West Midlands council job openings

Day 971, 00:51 Published in United Kingdom United Kingdom by West Midlands Regional Council

Hello all this is just a quick article letting you know the West Midlands council is back and working to rebuild the West Midlands reputation as a busy and fun loving community.

As the council has just been reformed we have a number of job openings, all members must be active in game and on the forums. All council members are expected to help each other and work for the good of the region, now without further a due the job listings.

Councillor of Media:
This should be quite self-explanatory; this person will write articles about upcoming competitions and any other media-related events.

Job positions that have been taken:

Council Chairman:
Oversees actions taken by the Council and is basically the ruling hand. Any decisions involving the Council have to go through the Chairman so it is very important that the Chairman is active.

The position of council chairman has been taken by viperb10.

Councillor of Transport:
This person will run any moving ticket things we have going at the time - getting people in & out of the West Midlands... as Regional Funding is down currently this is really a dead positions; but that may change soon.

This position has been taken by Sir Mic

Councillor of Health:
This will be like the old NHS Director for the West Midlands; main jobs will include advising people on wellness and now with V2 happiness. There is also the possibility of running competitions with the councillor of Entertainment

This position has been taken by Bamber

Councillor of Entertainment:
In command of making and designing competitions for the region, again must be active. The person who creates the reasons to move to the Region. Should work with the Transport and Media Councillor.

This position has been taken by Skillz88

Thank you for your time, I hope that many of you will lend a helping hand in rebuilding our council.

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