
Day 1,032, 14:06 Published in Israel Israel by Sam Krak


I dunno anymore. If you guys wish eIsrael to be like RL Israel, what am I doing here? Sure, I am Jewish, and my ancestry is from Israel. But I am an American. And I am proud of that fact. I am also proud of the fact that I have a heritage from Israel. However, all of a sudden that point seems mute.

We all are here for a reason. We all care about RL Israel in one way or another, or else we would not be here. That should be enough to bring us all together. Sadly, it does not appear that way. And honestly, there is no bad guy here. This is all opinion. Daniel Ender and Croy obviously have some very different opinions. The same goes for Dean, Gavin, Aeroner, heck the list goes on and on until I've named every eIsraeli in the game. We all are different, and we should be aware of that.

Now, it has come to my attention through a flurry of articles that the American-Israeli argument has gone to it's limits. This is probably the final straw. UIIP vs. Israel First. This, for lack of a better term, is BAD. We should be a unified country with friendly competition. This, however, is no longer the case. About a month ago, this country was united in ways never before done. All of a sudden, through some burst, we all hate each other again.

This is the way I see it, as does everyone else who has sat and watched these events unfold. This is good for no one. My suggestion would be as follows:

Hiss and make-up. Please. For the good of the country. I want us to be together again, united, and as one. We all do.

Besides, if we kick out non-Israelis, where am I to go?

I hope we can solve these issues fast.

Am Israeli Chai.

Sam Krakower