Welcome to Turkey!

Day 930, 06:22 Published in Israel Turkey by bf215
Wellcome new citizens!

Today lots of new citizens are joining to eTurkiye's ranks. 7 hours later, 806 eIsrail citizens are going to join us too. We are waiting them with a very warm wellcome. You have to be very happy to be a eTurkiye citizen, you have this chance in this simulation game for free.

Time to orient to your new country. We don't hurt you, we'll kiss you 🙂

Let's learn more about you new nation.

Population: 72M
Area: 783,562 sq^2
Total GDP: 880.000.000.000 $
Goverment: Parlimentary Republic, founded in 1923

Largest city of Turkiye. 12M people lives in proper area. Bosphorus is heaven in Earth. You will change your location to Marmara to live in İstanbul. A q5 hospital wellcomes you.

Capital city of Turkiye. Has 3.7M inhabitants.Locates at the center of Anatolia.

My hometown 🙂 A beatiful Agean city. Population 3.2M. It is a city of rest, fun and trade. Come and visit İzmir 🙂

Turkiye's one of the most famous tourism centers. You have to visit Antalya's beaches.

Karadeniz Region:
Northern coasts of Turkiye. Famous with Hamsi, kind of Black Sea fish. All year rainy weather, brave people lands.

Eastern and South Eastern Anatolia:
High plains of Turkiye. Turkiye's most largest project ever is in that region GAP.

Time to orient to your new country. We don't hurt you, we'll kiss you 🙂

Pls V & S