Welcome to the Dishmcds Honor Roll Society

Day 426, 19:43 Published in United Kingdom United Kingdom by Dishmcds

In honor of the recent addition to help our new citizens, I'm going to create an organisation of my own.

It's going to be called the "Dishmcds Honor Roll Society", with the sole purpose of telling people just how awesome the UK Government is.

First, I'll start with the Honourary Dishmcds House of Lords. See, back in October, we were all having this dicussion about having an experienced body of members that were allowed to serve as "civil servants" but didnt have to be tied to the constant dedication that Commons required. StanWephen and KBoomer were the primary inputs, with others such as Paddy, FD, and __________ (there were too many to remember, so just insert your name here) giving their input on how it should be run. Eventually, Dishmcds, it's Founding Father, got tired of waiting for the actual proposal to be amended so he wrote what is known today as the "House of Lords Charter". While being in the current editing process, it has stood as the judicial Branch in the eUK.

Three cheers for Dishmcds!

Next, we'll go across the street to the UK Commons. Here on the doors, engraved in bronze lettering is the Honourable Dishmcds Process for debating proposals. It outlines the inclusion of the House of Lords, and lays out rather well how a Congressman can make their bones with fresh new ideas that some preach to have. It's been a cornerstone of the UK Society for months.

Three more Cheers for Dishmcds!

Now, down the block on the right we've got the Noble Dishmcds Small Business Association. See, back when the economy was changing with the addition of the "Max productivity formula" the large debate was two fold on how to continue. The main problem was that established businesses had been in a recession for so long they were going to have a problem paying salary, and on the other hand we needed more companies to support our new population. Dishmcds, being of the "free market" ideal, decided to write the bill to create the Small Business Association, which is an organisation that offers loans in the form of GBP to help pay salaries, along with allowing the Ministry of Trade to give out domestic loans for company startups, only further proving that he was here to try anything to help out both the consumer and the GM.

The Crowd Goes Wild!

And finally, here in front of the steps of the Palace, we've got the Ministry Offices. Here, you can still see the fresh construction on the Dishmcds Ministries of Migration and Support, as well as the Dishmcds Ministry of Technological Advancement. Both Ministries were created to add another aspect to the social side of Erepublik, while improving the eUK both defensively, and on a community level.

Just to further prove that advertising you'll "help" any member based on Party, or political affiliation is complete crap, and only an attempt to sway power to your corner. Any time you want to help the country, then do so from the standpoint of helping your country, NOT helping yourself to trying to raise your membership.