We're all socialists now - time to work in our North Korean farms

Day 1,283, 12:30 Published in USA Canada by Emperor Rick

I'm sure you've all noticed admin has given everyone three farms, and a shop to manufacture food... This move utterly makes it pointless to work in a company to make food. This is the final straw... There is no economic module ingame anymore. Let me explain a few things admin has done which has ruined the system.

Ever since admin gave us the ability to work in each of our own companies we've seen a dramatic rise of self sufficient communes. This created an explosion of supplies in the marketplace which caused prices to plummet dirt cheap.

Admin then changed the rules on the map where important resources are located. Not only did admin utterly destroyed the importance of some regions over another (ruining war strategies for all) they've basically given everyone equal access to all resource bonuses by combining the importance of rubber, Aluminum, Iron, etc.

It's too easy for players to make a company and do whatever they want without interacting with anyone else. You may ask if this is a bad thing, and I will say Yes it is. Economics is social science that analyzes the production, distribution, and consumption of goods and services. More importantly how we exchange a finite (limited) resources in our world. I personally don't beleive admin understands this concept, because for the past few months they've been making resources infinitely expansive out of thin air, they've destroyed the system.

If I was admin who actually wanted to make this game fun and challenging I would implement the following.

1) Remove the ability to work in your own companies - you would see a decrease of supplies on the market, an increase of jobs, and a revival of a market.

2) Revert Resources to the previous rules - Iron had a specific purpose for a specific item, etc

3) Add the ability for nations to trade resources - Adding competition and cooperation between nations adds game diversity and would make this all more interesting. This also beats having nations occupying US states so we can share our shit with them.

4) Bring back Player Advertisement - Admin wants to raise the importance of gold, this was a great way to do it.

5) Add a neopets style stock market - If you've played that game when you were little, then you know what I'm talking about... for everyone else - http://strategywiki.org/wiki/Neopets/Stock_market

Here is a good article specifically about the gold issue: http://www.erepublik.com/en/article/capitalist-republik-with-8-translation--1781696/1/20