We Need Leaders in Congress

Day 1,583, 18:48 Published in USA USA by Zheng He

The word of the day is "Leadership".

As the current incumbent senator of the great state of Best Virginia, I am announcing my candidacy for Congress-Critter of these eUnited States to represent the great state of Best Virginia!

In this past month, I have done my duty as a congress-critter. I have always made quorum, used my citizenship passes carefully and fully, have used my two proposals to keep the money moving through budget donations, and have provided calm and reasoned comments in our discussions.

You can see the public congress debates in the eUSA forums.

And the citizenship approvals in game.

But enough about me ... what this country needs is leadership. REAL LEADERSHIP!

Leadership Rules

A leader is best when people barely know he exists, when his work is done, his aim fulfilled, they will say: we did it ourselves.
--Lao Tzu

Leadership is hard. Too many people confuse it with authority and power. And too many in positions of authority are not good leaders. A good leader doesn't need authority to lead. I compiled the following list over a period of years.

Most of these are unordered, but #1 is definitely #1 to me as a leader, teacher, and parent. By the way, this list can never be complete.

#1: If you don't care about them, they won't care what you say
#2: They won't do more than you do
#3: A leader is not powerful, but responsible
#4: A true leader works for all he or she leads, not the other way around
#5: Don't take success to your head or failure to your heart
#6: To be a good leader, you must first learn to follow
#7: A leader is proactive, a follower is reactive
#8: Their time is more valuable than yours
#9: Only throw temper tantrums on purpose
#10: Get to the point!
#11: Tell the truth, especially if the news is bad
#12: Don't apologize for doing the right thing
#13: Always apologize when you do the wrong thing
#14: Say thank you
#15: If you don't know the answer, know who does
#16: Leadership is service
#17: Good leaders are good under pressure
#18: A leader has to be trusted
#19: Seek first to understand, then be understood
#20: Leaders think about the future, followers the present, complainers the past

"Try not to become a person of success but rather to become a person of value" (Einstein)

Be the chief but never the lord.
--Lao Tzu

Private Zheng He
Newspaper writer (been there)
Army Officer, CO of the 25th Tropic Lightning Division (done that)
Solder in the Special Forces (doing!)
Colonel 2-clicker (always)

PS: I won't buy votes. But if you're under level 25 and short on cash, I will spot you a moving ticket. Just PM me But keep away from my girl!