We might lose everything tomorrow, but certainly someone lost credibility today.

Day 1,475, 02:58 Published in Sweden Sweden by nikosextra

Ladies and gentlemen,

this is one of my few articles published in eSweden. I moved here from eGreece and I have been a loyal member of this community. I do not represent anyone with this article, I am not a spokesman of my party, FHD.

Toothpaste published a heated article, accusing Raticon's candidacy of betraying Sweden for ideology purposes. How he ended up with this conclusion is beyond my understanding. He tried to justify his views by pointing to some MSAP manifest quotations.

What he (IMO deliberately) missed quoting, is Raticon's manifest and government plans. He didn't note that Raticon is not only supported by MSAP, but by FHD and the (centre-right oriented) Partiet as well. He didn't remember to inform his readers of Raticon's thread in the Swedish forums that round up his plan of running Sweden in December. Finally, he didn't bother to read the logs of the Swedish debate, where one can see all candidates' views with ease.

Whatever he did or didn't do, it's up to you to escape from this propaganada. You are always welcome to address questions to all supporters of Raticon in the chat or in the forums.

Be active, be powerful!

Thank you.