We learn much from music - Billionaire

Day 1,332, 10:55 Published in Germany Germany by Kim Ol

It was the mustache that got him to the top.

Billionaire as sung by the Glee Cast. You should check out Glee, guys, they do some incredible covers of songs!

I wanna be a billionaire so fricking bad
buy all of the things I never had
uh, I wanna be on the cover of Forbes magazine
smiling next to Oprah and the Queen

Oh every time I close my eyes
I see my name in shining lights
A different city every night oh
I swear the world better prepare
for when I'm a billionaire


We learn much from music! In the first two stanzas from the lyrics of Billionaire, I've underlined four phrases which are relevant to eRepublik today.

The medal appreciation club welcomes a newbie, Kim.

buy all of the things I never had - Is there anything to have, really, in eRepublik, that can be bought? I mean, you can buy Media Mogul medals easily enough, but anything useful or worthwhile?
You could attempt buying an election, but if the voters realise the banality of money, they won't take your cash.

Tim robbed his first bank aged 7. This event was when he defrauded his father at 4.

I wanna be on the cover of Forbes magazine - The eRepublik equivalent, of course, is being in the big newspapers (in which category MerryGoRound unfortunately does not lie!). This is achievale in many ways, for example buying obscene amounts of gold and moving mountains with a single fist. (COUGH COUGH #%^ROMPER!%^& COUGH COUGH)

The Japanese gradually rejected the consumerist culture.

A different city - But there's nothing to do in the cities but fight, right?

the world better

for when I'm a billionaire
- Forget billionaire, let's try millionaire shall we? The world will be waiting for a long time.
And that's because (with rare exceptions) the way to get rich in this game isn't hard work or determination or luck. It's gold. The rest is self explanatory.

Now go, reject all your RL possessions and go live in the nearest forest!
Failing that, vote, sub, and shout:

"I wanna be a billionaire...