We got bored of waiting USA

Day 748, 10:30 Published in USA Cyprus by Viperb10

After months of you boring and pointless threats to invade the USA you decide to attack Japan so we decided you needed your mouths shut.

The names you once knew these regions by are being changed so they don't ruin our image

Connecticut soon to be new coventry
Delaware soon to be Devon mark 2
New Jersey we named that so no need for change
Massachusetts soon to be Masschester
Pennsylvania soon to be pennyville
Rhode Island soon to be drive on the left-side of the Road

Now we aren't after total conquest of the USA we just want our colonies back so expect redcoats knocking at your door asking for the taxes you owe us since your "revolution" made us lol and we decided to let you look after our land for a while.

Remember all taxes go to this man now and all your dollars are to be burnt and replaced by the glourious pound.

This is a moment of our glorious invasion

well thats all for now so remember these 10 new rules:

1.Get a British passport
2.Union jacks only
3.No dollars only pounds
4.Woldy is PM
5.Don't threaten UK
6.Redcoats are no jokes
7.All avatars must included the union jack or woldy
8.If we have a war you are all expected to die.
9.English breakfast every morning
10.It's colour not color