We Are Being Taken Advantage Of!

Day 1,491, 12:03 Published in USA USA by Beast

As I am sure you all already know, the admins of ERepublik have introduced Q6 Companies. Yes that's right, Q6.

The introduction of Q6 buildings is RIDICULOUS! An upgrade for 200 gold if you already have Q5. Another purchase of gold using more than $70.00 USD! And I am not talking about EUSD, I am talking about the hard-earned-money you made at your real job. And I wouldn't even look at the price if you are currently at Q1! It would be so outrageous, I may blow up my computer.

I understand that people may want to get ahead in the game, that is fine, so do I. However...

The Issue:
The Introduction of Q6 has:

1. Ruined the Erepublik economy!
2. Has only made it more difficult for newbies.
3. Will cause many players to quit ERepublik.
4. But WORST of all, it shows the Admins of ERepublik can do anything, and that we will only be suckered into buying.

What Can We Do?
Here is the "Kicker"


As long as there are people willing to get ahead of other players, they will! And they will take advantage of any opportunity they get. And in order for other players to stay within the loop and not be left in the dust, they will also buy. A Vicious Cycle!

Now, although I feel it would be impossible to influence everyone, I will ENCOURAGE you all, into no longer upgrading buildings past Q6.
For if we keep being used like puppets, we may only give way to Q7, Q8, Q9, who knows, maybe even Q10!

So let us put and end to the spending, before we INDIRECTLY put an end to the game we love, ERepublik!

Tyler Reynolds
Running For Congress