Day 1,079, 03:55 Published in New Zealand Saudi Arabia by voice

We are all kiwis !!

this is apparently the proposed national motto, or in non-so-politically-correct phrasing, the new dogma and passe-par-tous demagogic phrase used to silence opposition.
those who bleat it day and night, are the first to deny others right and freedom of expression

we are all kiwis...

yet, we have half our congress taking orders from a foreign country

we are all kiwis...

yet, we have people who refuse to fight with a Phoenix country

we are all kiwis...

yet, some want to impose EDEN membership following their ex-eLife affiliation

we are all kiwis...

yet some are more eAmericans, eCanadians than eKiwis

we are all kiwis...

but for some, there are those who are more kiwis than the other

Are we really all Kiwis
i hope i will be proven wrong, and it is up to you all eNewZealanders, by your daily action, by your comments here or in other articles, by your newspaper, by your unity, by not following the bad examples above, it is up to you to prove me wrong!

i really prefer


because it is what shall we be, we are diverse, from different background, with diverse opinions, yet we shall be united here for the well-being of eNZ