Warriors of eRepublik [ Best Soldiers from eWorld ]

Day 485, 00:15 Published in Romania Romania by OchiReci
Note : Pentru cititori si abonatii mei din eRomania am pregatit primele doua capitole din istoria sociala eR vazuta prin ochii mei la un an de eviata in articolele anterioare : prima partea si partea a doua. Sunt intamplari si povesti cu si despre oameni in ipostaze si situatii in care probabil nu i-ati mai vazut pana acum. In final e o poveste despre trecut care incerca sa explice prezentul

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The war is about to start, and the army are about to fight one more time for the faith of this virtual world. Almost 200 of the warriors that will fight are presented now, and still a lot of them need to be discover. I change the submitting document, was to large and already updated, even if I will still use it but in the same time I bring you new submitting document to update the study 🙂. In first submission document was over 1000 responds and many of them was fake or wasn't respecting the minimum rank we ask.

Check this Out

This is the second list of the citizen we need to salute and respect for there contribution, for there activity and expectantly because the game was very boring without them. Are 66 Field Marshal, 129 Generals and 25 Colonels presented in this update. Are 220 now but More will come off-course.

Submit Yourself here :
If you are :
Field Marshal use THIS to update the strength and country you belong or To Add Yourself if you aren't already present in preliminary results.
General use THIS for the same reason
If you are Colonel, not regrading the strength use THIS

Enjoy and stay tune for next part, that I hope will come son [ will depend on the amount of free time I have ].

Thank`s for subscribing and Glory to the hero`s. More will come !