Day 875, 01:26 Published in China China by Sima Qian

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After the biggest battle in the History, for Western Australia, it seems that Indonesian troops couldn't sleep for another day, enjoying in victory. http://i.imagehost.org/0734/Australia_1.jpg" height="225" width="300" hspace="5" vspace="5" align="left" /> Still, their moral is at high level after this battle.
The Australian troops, along with troops of Eden, trying to arrange an uprising with the help of local population. Indonesian troops are fighting for every street to quell rebellion. Many cities are on fire as residents leave their homes to escape the war operations. The Australian Government asked that they evacuate immediately and go to Queensland. The background troops are providing assistance to refugees in that region.

Indonesian Ministry of Foreign Affairs called own citizens, as well as Phoenix immigrants, to move to new province while the government provided brand new hospital. http://i.imagehost.org/0733/Australia_3.jpg" height="225" width="300" hspace="5" vspace="5" align="left" /> This Minisitry already made statement naming this victory as "the prophecy has been fulfilled".
Troops from Hungary, Serbia and Russia are cleaning last pockets of resistance.
This is big impact to Australia's economy and great achivement for Indonesia that recently had baby boom. Counter attack by Australia is expected in effort to get back this important grain and titanium (diamond) region.
This is, together with fightings in South Africa or dusk of WW4 or dawn of WW5...Or both?

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Unlike the fight in Australia, EDEN in this part of the world still counts victories.
http://i.imagehost.org/0424/South_Africa_1.jpg" height="225" width="300" hspace="5" vspace="5" align="right" /> First South Africans menaged with help of USA to get back their homeland, followed by two more successful victories in uprisings. Australia's attack was able to support South Africa and now the Australians fighting for the theirs only remaining province on the continent. If in this battle Phoenix fails, Indonesia will be forced to attack another Australia's region, in attempt to keep blocking this country.
Otherwise, the most likely move of EDEN will be an attack on Western Australia simultaneously with an attack on other territories in Africa both from Australia (with help of Spain) and from South Africa (with help of mobile forces of the USA).

Australian Defence Force issued order for their troops to fight in Eastern Cape. http://i.imagehost.org/0796/South_Africa_2.jpg" height="225" width="300" hspace="5" vspace="5" align="right" />
On the eve of the battle, more and more troops of both Eden and Phoenix keep coming to this front. Effects of heavy artillery and tanks are heard far through the African plains. Battles gone from no mans land, over the border area and other frontlines to the undergrounds of Administrative center of this region.
Number of hungarian and serbian troops shows how much important is this battle for Phoenix. After final storming of the Australian positions, Phoenix troops marched in to this region.
Although they got this battle, the very existence of South Africa gives Phoenix strong headaches.

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Simultaneously with important battles in Africa and Australia, Croatia attacked again Slovenia in the province of Styria and Carinthinia. http://i.imagehost.org/0075/Slovenia_1.jpg" height="225" width="300" hspace="5" vspace="5" align="left" />
This is not important battle for Eden and is intended to distract Phoenix's commoners from more important battlefields.
As it was to be expected, the Croatian attack was completely unsuccessful, and for that Slovenians have to thanks to Phoenix's the strongest 8 MPPs. It is a legacy of Poland and Croatia a few weeks ago, which still stands over Croats heads and as a potential threat for the attack on the Croatia by Phoenix.
Croatia is now completely surrounded by Phoenix countries, after the political take over in Bosnia was successful, done by serbian part of bosnian population together with Serbian/Phoenix help. However, a number of MPPs that Croatia has, certainly helps that there will not be any changes in the nearest future in this part of the Europe.

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