War on the horizon: Join the Military!

Day 505, 14:35 Published in Thailand Japan by Coldwell Banker

Help defend our Nation, and help stop Evil Chinese and Danish aggression! Join the Thai Armed Forces or the Thai Foreign Legion.

To clarify a few things, you can only be a member of one or the other, you must be a Thai resident to be a soldier of either, and both deploy abroad depending on the circumstances. The Thai Foreign Legion is a separate squad for those seeking a little adventure away from the nation of their birth. The TFL does not check criminal records or ask for a drug test though.

To join the Thai Armed forces go here:
http://spreadsheets.google.com/v iewform?key😛adK6YXzrlLnvROsCOlg6Uw&hl=e n

To join the Thai Foreign Legion go here:
http://spreadsheets.google.com/v iewform?hl=en&formkey=cGFkSzZZWHpybExuYW x Ndm9Td1NPWHc6MA..

Now accepting Communists

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