WAR! Denmark declares Sweden hostile! Sweden soon surrounded from 4 fronts!

Day 1,472, 03:15 Published in Sweden USA by Toothpaste

During the Thursday morning, Denmark declared the alliance ONE hostile and said that they will strike the Swedish southern core region called Skåne (Skaune). The attack on ONE is due to ONE😒 tendency to play dirty tricks to ruin the game for smaller countries by taking over their governments. This is done by so called Political Take-Overs (PTO).

Article by Toothpaste

Some swedes say that PTO is part of the game while others say its a shamefurr display. The Swedish government has no official standing regarding this matter of war tactics, but some facts point in the direction that Sweden has been indirectly involved in PTO's in the past.

Last week ONE with secret agents from Serbia allegedly tried to PTO Norway with the help of Sweden's military force. This week lots of Serbs has been seen gathered in Denmark and Denmark felt threatened, giving ONE an ultimatum: Get out or we go to war.

Serbian agents didn't leave Denmark and now Denmark has gone to war, declaring ONE hostile, and attacking Sweden as its first target.

For Denmark, this is a war of survival. For Sweden, it might be too.

Denmark isn't a threat on its own, but Sweden is surrounded by Denmark's allies. To the north-west, Sweden is already waring Denmark's strongest ally, Norway. At the north-east, Finland is bordering lots of Swedish regions. And in the South-east, the Rumulians seem to be coming, now only 1 region away from being able to strike Gotland. Edit: THE RUMULIANS ARE ACTUALLY ALREADY HERE!!

More reading: (list will be updated during the day)
30 Nov. Denmark's ultimatum to ONE
1 Dec. Denmark's official declaration of war