War and PEACE: Let them Come

Day 664, 14:14 Published in USA USA by Myles Robinson

My fellow eAmericans, noble allies around the world, fence-sitters, and vile enemies,

As I write this, Russian tanks have begun massing near our last remaining fortress state and the most powerful region among all the Allied powers, Florida. The Colombian treachery was successful enough to distract many Americans while Russia began rolling back the advances we made during the last days of Emerick's presidency. Now, the Russian president has issued us an ultimatum: surrender or die. This imperialistic, domineering scoundrel has threatened to spend as much money as he can ensuring that Florida falls, and all of PEACE threatens to descend upon us if we refuse to kneel down to them.

I say let them come.

Florida has the strongest wall in the history of the New World. Florida has the bulk of American citizens. Florida is a corner that we are backed into. When backed into a corner, with the only options being victory or slavery, you would be surprised how far people are willing to go for victory. They have nothing else to lose.

And, even if PEACE drained every penny it has in the game and out of it to ensure that Florida falls, the victory would seal their defeat. Freed from fighting their MPPs, the United States would be able to rise again through a resistance war and handle each country one-on-one. The Russian, Colombian, and Hungarian encroachers shall have to face thousands of Americans within their borders, all itching to kick them back across the oceans and deserts to the miserable stinkholes that they came from.

America will be victorious. EDEN will be victorious. The Free New World will be victorious. PEACE GC is destined to fall, and those who turned their backs on the United States (yes, our neighbors to the south, I mean you) will suffer the consequences of your actions.

News Headlines
News, Inc. is part of the American Media Mogul Project. This is an endeavor to use newspapers to raise money for resistance wars against PEACE across the globe. Please, subscribe to the newspapers listed to help them win a Media Mogul Medal. Every newspaper editor there has donated 5 Gold to the cause of restoring peace to the world be destroying PEACE.

Chances are likely that during the upcoming Great Siege of Florida, Colombia will make another move on California. As much as I hate to say it, I urge all Americans to abandon California. We will be able to free it from these corrupt tyrants soon enough. If we lose Florida, though, we will not be able to free California, so fight for Florida. Follow Department of Defense orders!!! As my readers will know, I love California. And the first decent-paying job I've ever had is currently based in California. But we must sacrifice the Golden State now in order to win in the long run; sometimes the Queen must be sacrificed in order to win the whole game.

Australia is currently trying to grasp with the problems being posed to the other side of the Pacific by the Theocrats, who were displaced from Switzerland by PEACE and have instead moved into take over Japanese-controlled South Korea. There is also discussion on the Theocrats over in Mexico right now. People seem to be curious what they will do next.

The Teacup Journal has a useful guide for Civilian Fighters. I encourage all civilians, especially younger citizens, to read it.

The Flying Unicorn has suspended all operations in lieu of the expected Great Siege of Florida.

The United Kingdom is currently embroiled in a debate to abolish its House of Lords. Naturally its aristocracy is opposed to it, whilst many of the more populist members of the government are in favor of it. I have a feeling that it is useless any way; it was the Prime Minister and the House of Commons who pushed Britain into joining PEACE and helping destroy the Allied Powers. The House of Lords was powerless to bring any sense or honor to the situation. Here is a good article discussing both sides of the issue.
Closing Thoughts

America, tomorrow may bring the biggest battle in the history of the New World, and WWIII will no longer be on our doorstep-- for many of us it will be inside our house! We will kick them out. The Russians and Colombians will realize the consequences of backing a people as proud and powerful as ours into a corner. PEACE will suffer defeat.

~Myles Robinson