War and New Module

Day 823, 18:57 Published in USA USA by Swiftstar

As you have all seen, the eRepublik insider has released details on their new economic modules. As an owner of a weapons company, this new addition has me a bit nervous.

We have just exited a war. Granted, we did not gain much territory in it, and we all knew the heart of the eAmerican war machine just wasn't there. However, war is war when it comes to a weapons company, and the war in the UK brought the usual results. The prices went up as demand increased, and we saw all of the united states working on getting our citizens armed and fighting.

Now, the war is over. And the market boom with it. To get the lowest price in the Q1 market, i could sell my weapons for about 3 dollars flat without taxes. Now, just a few days after the official announcement of the end of the war, the prices are closer to 2.60 dollars. The prices have fell quickly, mostly in the past two or three days.

Now normally, this is fine, weapons companies have to know that they are going to have their down times, and their boom times. However, I believe that this is a problem that needs special attention.

Like I said, the admins have been releasing the details on their new module, and it is going mix things up. Currently, running a weapons company is simple; get a good price on iron, get good workers, and sell at close to the lowest price on the market. In a good market, the company can run its self practically. The admins plan on making this idea impossible. There are many choices for a weapons company. Should I make rifles? Tanks? Artillery? Helicopters? After this choice, you then have to decide what quality is important to you, power, durability, defense, or accuracy?

What this means is we are going to be spending a good amount of time with no idea of what the market will pose. Companies will need extra capital to ensure they can succeed in their endeavor, or have a plan B if their idea is not what the market is looking for. Imagine not only weapons companies, but moving tickets and food all scrambling without time to gauge the market. I believe that to do this without a boom in the markets would be extremely straining on the market.

However, imagine being part of the Joint Chiefs of Staff at this time. you have started a war to jump start the economy for the new change in the market. Now, when your entire army has changed, you have no idea what people are going to try to do with their new weapons. Not only do you not know what your army will be like, you don't know what your enemy will be, and you don't know what quirks and strategies will be a part of this new military module. Needless to say, they will have a ton of trouble as well.

With that said, what do we do? Well, I believe the answer lies in the game its self. We are playing in a capitalistic game, where the market rules all. And that means that it is up to the companies to ensure their future. My solution for my company is to get a serious game plan set. Make all of these new decisions before they are posed, and come up with the type of market you will be selling too. Then, once you have your game plan, hoard your money. Don't make any new investments in anything like upgrading quality or any new markets. instead, hold onto it, as a security for the new module.

To sum this article up, the new module is going to change how we play this game. To secure our success and future in eRepublik, we need prepare ourselves for a little chaos. Hoard your resources, board your windows, and get yourselves ready, especially if you are in the declining weapons and war companies.