Day 520, 12:38 Published in Ireland Ireland by sean curtin

Hello citizens of eIreland and of course the Shannon in particular, my name is Sean Curtin and im running for congress as a member of the IUP and im looking for your vote. i'll start with a brief bio of me and then move onto the topics i would like to adress the key topics of politics in eEire and also my beliefs. I would please like you to take into account my relatively short time in the game compared to other congressman, however i believe i have the ability to match them if i am given the chance to learn and experience what the dail has to offer. im asking you to help me make this a reality that will hopefully in months to come benefit eIreland

Bio: as you have already deducted my name is obviously Sean! im relativley new to the game, been here just over a month and this is my first congress elections, im a member of the forums (username is stanstein) and also enlisted in the IDF (assigned to 2nd Infantry Battalion). Im usually online once a day atleast and am always available to PM and will reply as speedily as possible.🙂

What im Aiming for: eIreland in my opinion is incredibly well run, governed and managed and seeing as this is my first time running for congress i must conceed i do not have any radical changes i would like to see implemented, what i would like to see (and will strive for) is accountability in all areas of government and congress under the following issues

Government accountability: Government expenditure is a relatively unknown subject in eIrish politics and it appears that only a certain few in the know, know how it is spread about and spent. If i elected i promise to raise this issue in the Dail and bring about more accountability when it comes to spending. I think it is only right that in a democracy such as ours those companies who pay tax on the products they sell should know how that tax is been spent.

Military: while we are a neutral nation i feel the military is an important subject in a eWorld ravaged by Atlantis and Peace. I like many are in favour of any proposed war games as i feel they provide many benefits such as the ability for fighters to avail of hospitals as well as boost there exp points. In the light of 5n24keyes appointment as minister of defence and his subsequent proposed idf changes i feel war games have become more important than ever if the idf is to be re-organised according to strength/damage able to inflict.

Economics: unfortunately this is not my strongest subject and i do not have a lot to offer economically to the country, what i do have however is a promise to my constituents is that i will learn fast if elected and will soon be proposing economic policy of my own if i think it is needed.

I urge all voters to dismiss party allegiances and vote not for any candidate simply because they are IUP, ISRP, etc etc, vote for who represent you best, who you believe will benefit you. thank you for your time.

Sean Curtin