Vote Oprah in '09: Vermont September

Day 667, 12:41 Published in USA South Africa by Oprah Winfrey

Oprah in Sep ‘09

“My philosophy is that not only are you responsible for your life, but doing the best at this moment puts you in the best place for the next moment.” –Oprah Winfrey

Hello Vermont! I’m Oprah Winfrey and I’m running for Congress. I’m newish to eRepublik, but I have great ambitions and goals for myself and the United States. I am a very active player, both socially and with the military; I currently express my various views and ideas in my newspaper, The Oprah Magazine.

Just a few things I’d like to talk about
-Government Transparency
-eUS Military Presence
-eUS Economics
-The Future of our Nation

Government Transparency

The very first thing I wrote about in this game was congressional voting records. I believe that this game is profoundly flawed in that citizens cannot know for sure how their representatives vote. We would never accept this in real life. I called for a change in this destructive error in my article: How to Make Your Democracy Meaningless. In the meantime, as a Sen. Winfrey I would pledge to make my voting record public with absolute integrity; both on the eUS forums and in my own newspaper. The eUS should remain completely transparent on ever issue except for selective military issues (for obvious reasons) and I pledge accordingly through this ideal.

eUS Military Presence

I support our military with great fervor. An eUS military presence, through the deployment of our marines and army—and also through frontal assaults with our domestic military, the National Guard, is necessary to economic and global blossoming. That is what I believe. It’s obvious that prosperity comes from war and expansion in eRepublik—no real lives are at stake here, so I support logical, effective wars to improve the eUS’s standing. Naturally I will support war games and any measure to develop our military strength. **The eUS must reclaim all of our 51 former territories**

eUS economics

You can debate taxes and tariffs all day long, but my belief is that when it comes down to it…improving the economy means one thing: getting more resources. Acquiring territories like Russia’s Far Eastern Region, as an example, is a clear-cut measure that will improve our economy more dramatically than adjusting minimum wage or changing VATs. Gaining more territories, and therefore more resources, is the only real way of boosting the market. The big secret in life is that there is no big secret. Whatever your goal, you can get there if you're willing to work. The eUS must be willing to accumulate more territories with more resources, and take a leading global economic role.

The Future of our Nation

By taking the initiative to gain even more players, expanding our foreign presence through our military, and working to construct effective and meaningful alliances, the eUS can emerge as an unquestionable superpower. Let me repeat myself: The eUS must reclaim our rightful 51 territories.

Thank you for considering me as the next representative of Vermont!

Vote Oprah in Sep ’09!!!