Vote No on MPP

Day 888, 07:37 Published in Austria Austria by Rangeley

There has been a new Mutual Protect Pact proposed by the nation of the Netherlands, with extremely ambiguous reasoning given. It doesn't take much to connect the dots and realize that it will be used to give Germany a free war. Germany has an open war with the Netherlands, they would attack the Netherlands, trigger the MPP with us, and then invade us to go their merry way towards whatever nation they are after.

However, the President has not approved this plan. Others in the government had no idea about this. And I certainly was taken by surprise this morning when I learned of the situation. Regardless of the merits of this and what side you are on, Austria is a sovereign nation, this move will have huge implications, and it deserves to be properly discussed, and not rushed into.

Therefore, I urge all congress members to vote no on the Netherlands MPP to allow for further discussion of the merits of participation in a landswap.

--- Update ---

There is now a proposal to send Russia 100 gold from our treasury. While it is true Russia sent us 100 gold for an MPP plan, abandoned the plan and then asked for it back, the plan is "back on" so to speak since the Netherlands proposed an MPP with us. That is using the 100 gold Russia sent, so there is therefore no need to (at this time) send Russia 100 more gold from our treasury... If the MPP with the Netherlands fails, thats when we can donate 100 gold back to Russia. Until that point, please vote no on the donation.