Vote MoDog for Congress in Texas!

Day 457, 17:16 Published in USA USA by MoDog

Ladies and gentlemen of eTexas,

I am proud to announce that I am entering the Congressional race for the great state of Texas! While I am running under the banner of the Conservative Party because of its support for a strong national defense and fiscal accountability, I will be pragmatic in my analysis of the issues, and will vote ONLY for what makes the game more FUN for you and for me.

My platform is simple...

- I support maintaining strong international alliances, whether it be with ATLANTIS or any other friendly nation.
- I support a strong military and all that it entails. Uncle Sam's proposed war games and our "FUNvasion" of Portugal were great starts to what I hope will be continued military action in the name of having a good time, economic stimulation, and increasing wellness!
- I support government providing SMART subsidies to our ailing industries. We cannot allow the collapse of our Construction industry, and the government can and should stimulate this industry. That being said, the subsidies MUST be transparent, targeted, and smart...not a blanket government "bailout" or quid pro quo.
- I support the current and previous Congress' ta😜ackage, and will continue to vote to strengthen the US Dollar, while providing the government enough tax revenue to adequately fund our armed forces.
- And finally...I support having a good time! Let's be honest...if the only thing there is to do in-game is work and train, we're going to continue to see a large percentage of inactive eAmericans. We need to fight where we can, talk smack where we can't fight, and be involved in the world!

If elected, I will be active in the forums debating the issues and I pledge to listen to anyone who sends me a message, take the advice of any player who has a legislative suggestion, and reply to all citizens' messages personally and thoughtfully. I've had enough of a Congress of representatives who are not responsive to all of us and who make themselves unreachable...that needs to change, and I pledge that I will not continue ignoring YOU!

And last but not least, if elected, I will vote 100% of the time in the name of FUN, not in the name of any real life ideology, and I will speak out about ALL instances of complete lameness...i.e, using real life arguments against going to war or about tax policy, or getting "e-married" (yea...I know, wow, but it happened).

Vote for MoDog on February 25th, a true Texas FUNservative!