Vote Memphis for Congress in Cork and Kerry!

Day 730, 16:58 Published in Ireland Ireland by Memphis Raines III

Hello eIreland, I am officially announcing my candidacy for the region of Cork & Kerry. I began my elife here, so it is only fit that I attempt to represent her citizens in the Dáil. I will keep my polices & views short and concise.

This is the most important of them all, so I will start here... If you have been pay attention, unaligned countries are falling left and right. The imperialists are at it again and it looks like no one is safe. We here in eIreland can take a stand against this tyranny. We are making the right decision in Austria, and we need to continue to make these decisions. Our new “independent” status has given us the political opportunity to make a change in the eWorld. Let us seize it. Fund our soldiers, and use them to fight these arrogant eNations.

We need to continue the reorganizations of departments. For counties without massive population numbers, organization is critical. We need a strong MoFA to accomplish our political goals, starting with our ambassadors. These are our eyes and ears in the world. I am always on and available for questions/ideas and active congressmen get things done.

I would like to see a state sponsor gift program, especially for our new & interested citizens who have fallen below the magical 40 wellness. Get these players back in the game and training/fighting.

I hope you look to me and Saorise for leadership in the following month... With PEACE collapsing we are in the position to make a difference in the eWorld, but we must leave our island to do so. Protect our friends, and we will receive the same from them, alliances are not needed. Lets keep eIreland independent and fighting.

For an independent eIreland, For a strong eIreland.

Memphis Raines III
Deputy Minister of New Citizens
Ambassador to eIsrael