Vote Joseph Gerrard in Yorkshire and Humberside

Day 761, 03:17 Published in United Kingdom United Kingdom by Joseph Gerrard

I am writing this article to announce my candidacy for a place in congress for Yorkshire and Humberside in the coming congress election. In this article, I will outline my aims, what I stand for and what i can do for you.

What I stand for

I am a member of the British Empire Party in Yorkshire and Humberside. The BEP rest on the centre-right of politics, so if you fancy an alternative to the UKRP, then this is the party for you. The BEP are currently in 4th place in the Top Five parties in the eUK, with the membership numbers growing steadly. They are a party commited to the making the eUK a truly great country with a powerful voice on the world stage. We have some fantastic leadership and we are really ready to make a difference.

Why should you vote for me?

I am enthusiastic player and I want to represent the region that i am proud to be from. I will be prepared to serve you the people and i will ensure that issues regarded as important by the people of Yorkshire and Humberside are voiced in congress. People of Yorkshire and Humberside, I am at your serivce.

Thanks for reading

Joseph Gerrard

(if you liekd this article, please vote and subscribe, i have more planned for the future)