Vote Honesty, Vote Future, Vote Hawkhertz: Round 2

Day 733, 16:09 Published in South Africa South Africa by Mike Hawkhertz

If you want background info, please redirect to my previous article.

So, I looked through my initial plans for congress, and have made some edits, and am gonna address them with you all!

Immigration: It doesn't seem like a "hot button" subject, but to me it is! Immigration also provides a competent way to provide a baby boom for the nation, and helps the working forces around the nation.

Taxes: Much like you guys, I'm a consumer. And I've got a consumers mind. And I plan to lower taxes on firearms, due to some steep costs (Over six bucks a pop on level one firearms), and for your convenience, should we ever go to war with Indo, which seems unlikely, but you never know, now do ya!?

The Peacekeeper: I'll do my best to keep unity and peace amongst all parties in eSA

Do Work: Unlike some, I'll do work, and contribute to discussions, voting bills, putting out bills, pretty much anything a congressman should be doing.

Show The Love: I'll show the love to Exilious.

Why vote Hawkhertz, Mpumalanga?

1: I'm honest
2: I'm persistent
3: I'm young, and full of ideas
4: I'm a swell guy.

So remember, Mpumalanga, on election day, Vote for Honesty, Vote for Future, Vote for Hawkhertz.

- Hawk.