Vote Frommfilm for the Northeast

Day 549, 02:47 Published in Ireland Ireland by Frommfilm

Please allow me to introduce myself. I’m a man of wealth and taste. Well, taste anyway…

I’m Frommfilm, and I’m standing in the Northeast. This much you’ve probably worked out from the title of this very article, but I thought I’d reiterate it to reinforce the point.

This is in fact my first time running for Congress. I’ve held back before, simply because I didn’t feel ready, but now I think I am. I’m from the tail-end of the baby boom, and I’ve been an IUP member since I was levelled up enough to join a party. I’ve spent a lot of time watching the political scene, reading and commenting on articles and figuring out what’s what.

So why vote for me (apart from if I ask you nicely)? Well, here are a few views that should hopefully help make up your mind.

We live in interesting times. The political scene has been nothing short of tumultuous in the past short while. Like most of you, I am sure, I’ve viewed the arrival of the ICF with bemusement as well as interest. My ultimate conclusion is that it’s an interesting experiment; certainly more so than it first appeared. I retain, however, my loyalty to the IUP. I have a great deal of respect for our prominent members such as our leader Severin, the President Nithraldur and eIreland’s resident Vyse - Vyse.
I also support the concept of cooperation between the parties. As you probably know, our times have been made even more interesting (though not in a good way) by the looming threat of a PTO. This, obviously, makes our mutual cooperation even more pivotal. It’s also a reason why I urge you to vote for me. I’m an active eIrishman, and I promise to represent your interests faithfully.

I’m sure you’ll all agree that our President Nithraldur and MoFA Eamon_de Valera have both done a first-rate job with the current war games, which have been much appreciated by the population in general. They’re off at the moment for international reasons, but I do hope that they’ll be mutually beneficial again soon.
I do not accept the notion that eIreland should not be neutral. I see absolutely no reason why we should give up our neutrality at the current time. Certainly individual eIrish are free to move in order to fight in whatever wars they wish (as indeed they do). I don’t quite see why we should seek out fights.

If I get into Congress, I will do my best to be an approachable Congressman. I’ll be more than happy to discuss any queries or issues you wish to raise. I believe it’s absolutely pivotal that members of Congress stay in touch with their constituents.
There are good ideas being touted with regard to welcoming new citizens and keeping them involved. I know it took me a little time to really get into eRep, so I’m very much in favour of offering a helping hand and a friendly welcome to all new citizens.

If there’s anything you’d like to ask about, any issues you’d like to raise, please PM me; I’ll be more than happy to discuss anything that may be on your mind.

Finally, I’d also like to take this opportunity to wish my IUP colleagues, and particularly my colleague in this region 05637716 every success in this election.

Go raibh míle maith agat ar do chuid aire.
