Volume 2: Manifesto for Midtjylland's House of Commons Seat

Day 637, 11:51 Published in United Kingdom USA by Chris Dakteer

Good people of the e-United Kingdom, and the region of Midtjylland,

It is my intent, with the publication of this manifesto, to announce my candidacy for membership in the House of Commons as the duly elected representative for the region of the Midtjylland for the month of August. Although my name and face may be unfamiliar, I am an active member of the e-United Kingdom’s community, both in-game and on the forum boards. I’ve been assigned to the Royal Navy’s Pacific Fleet for nearly half of my e-life, and have been active in encouraging new players to blossom as e-citizens of our great nation.

I am, first of all, a firm believer in the democratic process. The basic premise of democracy is that “the will of the majority shall rule, but the rights of the minority shall be preserved.” However, does any decision made by a legislative body truly represent the will of the majority, if the citizens electing their representatives are not heard? It is my intent to ensure that in every decision made, if I am elected, I act in keeping with the expressed will of the majority of the citizens of my region. And when, for the betterment of the e-United Kingdom, I am drawn to make a decision unpopular amongst my majority, I shall explain my rationale in whatever detail you, the people, decide.
I am running for Parliament on a platform of protection. There are numerous things within the e-United Kingdom which we must protect in order to afford the average e-citizen the rights they are accustomed to. Examples of things we must protect, and how I believe we must protect them include:

1) Protect our youth. The government must make serious strides to not only support our new players, but take active measures to prevent the exploitation of young members by companies who willingly and maliciously take advantage of their vulnerability to, quite literally, employ them to the brink of e-death. We must nurture and protect them so that they will, with time, become productive members of e-society, and bring new citizens of their own into our lands.

2) Protect our borders. It is the first and most challenging responsibility of every nation to protect her citizens from oppression and tyranny. In order to fulfill this obligation, the e-UK must take strides to becoming a regional super power. We must examine what has made the great powers in the New World truly powerful, and emulate them within the bounds of our national spirit. We must examine the shortcomings of the vanquished, and ensure we do not make the same mistakes. In order to do this, I feel it paramount that we take long looks at our infrastructure. It is mandatory that we examine the structure of the government, and eliminate excess, waste, and duplication. We must examine the distribution of businesses and organizations which call the e-United Kingdom home, and make choices that protect and strengthen them.

3) Protect our economy. The stronger our economy becomes, the wealthier, and thus more powerful, both our government and its citizens will be. It is imperative that we explore new avenues for trade with developing countries, both opening our markets to their raw materials, which we crave, and opening theirs to our finished goods, which they require. We must examine the tax code, and see where we are wasting efforts, and where we can increase the money we make through that avenue. Our nation is currently experiencing an economic boom, but once this war has ended, will the boom continue or will it implode? We need to examine the nature of our economy, and prepare it for a future without massive war.

In summation, my friends, I can only state that although I am largely unknown outside the circles I’ve frequented by necessity, I can and will be a vocal champion for the people of the Midtjylland. My political orientation is centrist, which means that I play well with others, and am able to more readily see all sides of an argument, and find the decision that is best for the region, and best for the e-Kingdom. I appreciate your patience and perseverance in reading my manifesto, and would readily welcome any and all questions about the points I have outlined within these lines. Thank you again, and remember, although I would prefer that you cast your ballot for me on August 25th, what is most important is simply that you vote.