Vocab for Newb's

Day 533, 07:29 Published in USA USA by Dwight D. Eisenhower

I remember when I was new I didn't understand some of the terms used by other players, here is an article clearing up what some of these terms mean. Enjoy!

Tank: A player with a very high strengh and a high rank ( usualy general or field marshall ) given gold by the government to buy wellness boxes and Q5 weapons with. It is not an actual tank that the government buys, it is just a strong player funded by the government usualy.

MPP: Mutual Protection Pact ( Alliance ): This lets other countries defend you without them having to move. It is only activated if one of your countries original territories is attacked. You can also defend them from home if they are attacked in one of their original territories.

VAT: Value Added Taxes: Taxes taken on everyday products that citizens use, like food, houses, and weapons ( that's pretty much it ) when you buy them. These taxes cannot be used on resources, like oil and wood, so companies that use these products don't pay taxes for them.

Income taxes: Taxes taken from your slary

Q: Usualy means "quality", can be used to describe Q1 weapons, house, food, almost everything, very common term.

MoW: Meals on Wheels, a program designed to give free food to new players in the first week or two of elife.

PTO: Political take-over, when a country sends it's citizens to vote for a candidate planted there in elections for congresss or president. If another country controls your congress, they can rob the country's treasury of it's gold. This tactic was first atemted sucesfully by Romania against Russia. See this article: http://www.erepublik.com/en/article/-updated-w-immediate-breaking-news-official-white-house-press-release-4-17-09--778434/1/20

Beta Giant: Term used to describe players that have been playing since before V1, in Beta. V1 came around september 2008, so these palyers are at least 7-8 months old.

Baby Boomers: Players born after V1, see above. This also refers to a boom in population after V1, around January especiallly. Also known as "V1 Baby's".

RW: Resistace war, a war in which a country that is occupied by another country starts a war in one of their original regions to try to liberate it. Sometimes Resistace wars are "War Games", and are just used to train citizens and improve rank, but they are not always just training. Again, Resitance Wars can be War Games, but are not always War Games. See this article clearing up what is a War Game/ RW: http://www.erepublik.com/en/article/official-white-house-press-release-4-13-09-3-war-games--776321/1/20

War Games: Wars, either Resistance wars or regular wars, begun through an agreement between 2 countries or more, used to train the citizens of both countries. See article on war games between Ireland and US: http://www.erepublik.com/en/article/the-new-eusa-war-games-792404/1/20

Trade embargo: An blocking of trade between 2 countries, usualy started by one country to weaken the other's economy. This trade blockage means both countries can no longer import or export any manufactured goods as well as raw materials with the other country. Curently, the USA is involved in an agreement with other ATLANTIS members to block trade with PEACE. See this article: http://www.erepublik.com/en/article/official-white-house-press-release-4-29-09-7-peace--788575/1/20

PEACE: An alliance found across the world, with countries in all continents exept Africa and Australia, and those 2 continents combined only have 2 countries ( Australia & South Africa ), some key members are Indoneisa, Hungary, Portugal, Italy ( suposedly they are strong ), and Iran. Some other less important members I can name off the top of my head are France, Mexico, and Russia ( mostly occupied ). This Alliance was formed to stop ATLANTIS.

ATLANTIS: One of the 2 major alliances in the game, some important members are America, Romania, Spain, Norway, U.K., Sweden, and Finland. Other countries in ATLANTIS are Canada, Croatia, Germany, South Africa, and Denmark. This Alliance is made of many members of the former Northern Alliance, and Russia was almost part of it, but then Romania PTO-ed them, and they joined PEACE. Some notable wars between PEACE and ATLANTIS have been the French war ( Operation Freanch Toast) , which was a major loss for ATLANTIS, the ongoing Romania-Indonesia war, and the long Romania-Hungary war.

QMG: Abreviation for Quartermaster, the person that distributes the weapons to America's armed forces.

POTUS: President of the U.S.

Please, comment, vote, and subscribe! If I missed anything, feel free to tell me!

*Edit* Read this article also, also is helpful for young players!: http://www.erepublik.com/en/article/free-moving-tickets--887358/1/20