Vice President's Office: Save a Country, Vote Against Political Takeovers!

Day 703, 08:57 Published in USA Bulgaria by Jewitt

Lots of Thanks | Headline Story | Keeping Them Honest | To do List

23 October, 2009, Day 703 of the New World - With Congressional elections coming up, it is no surprise to hear about the Global Community attempting a political takeover (PTO) of weak neutral nation. This issue of The Report is dedicated to promoting a volunteer service, found under our Headline Story, to combat this aggression against sovereignty and right to self-rule.

Thanks People!

On Day 700 of the New World, the United States and Canada made a daring push against Hungary with the intent to win Manitoba. They succeeded on the following day, and the thanks and congratulations tends to go to the President and our allies in Europe - not to mention our Bros up north! Here at The Report, a vassal of the Vice President, we want to thank all those who contributed to the success in Manitoba and in the war over the past few months and do not hold a high ranking military position.

Chocolate McSkittles and Ligtreb for their selfless work in distributing thousands of Q1 weapons to deserving people who signed up for the eusforum and requested them. Due to their hard work and contribution, The Report has found a confirmed increase in over 102 personnel from rank Private to Lieutenant.

Woxan for your great work in the Economic Council and as management of the Congressional Budget Office. Your timely and precise operation, coupled with your hard statistics and numerical fact, made the prospect of a Manitoba success not only possible but obtainable as well.

Just the whole cabinet. Period. Everyone is great at what they do, from Serendipitous and his sometimes annoying ways of figuring out how to get things done, all the way down to John Woodman and his working alongside the Defense Department. A special thanks to PigInZen, who has made this cabinet possible.

Without any of you, this government would not function. Without any of you, Manitoba would not had been won.

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Volunteer Political Takeover Program

Last month, I did something called "Citizen Takeover Unit," or CTU for short. The military junkies joked "Counter-Terrorism Unit." I think we may keep the name. Regardless of the label and name of the program, it's back up. What does that mean? It means the Global Community is at it again and is working to take over another small and defenseless country. Last month, it was Bosnia. This month, it is Switzerland.

But that is not all. A rogue group of Poles have infiltrated and consumed the nation of Peru under the guise of "for EDEN." EDEN does not openly endorse this maneuver, and the Brolliance of Canada and the United States sees this as an independent group undermining democracy. So now we have two nations at threat and our United States Air Force (our branch dedicated to fighting against PTO's) is registering a few men short. Polish Deputy Minister of Foreign Affairs has also denounced both takeover groups.

A protest against PTO's outside the capital of Switzerland.
For some reason an old woman is holding a piece of paper about Iran

So I call upon you, American citizens, to defend what we call home: Freedom. We still fight for our freedom to this day in the North Western sections of the continent we call "home." Switzerland has not even had the chance to claim a democratically-elected Congress, and Peru is on the verge of being annihilated by surrounding PEACE Global Community nations in South America to prevent a puppet government.

Click here to volunteer!

You will be PM'd shortly, probably on Day 704 (Saturday) with orders and instructions. All questions and what not could probably go to me (Jewitt) but I do not want a repeat of last time - with over 100 messages in a six hour span. Therefore, I am requesting everyone message my organization if they really need to ask something up front. Orders, instructions on how to vote, and moving tickets will be supplied late in the day Saturday, the 704th Day of the New World.
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» Honestly, there is not much to say. Congress loves Serbia. Yeah, I made it up.

» The company formerly known as Guns n' Stuff, then Bioshock, and now Q7 Gunzilla ( name) was to be bought by the U.S. Government for 1,500 GOLD, and was approved by Congress. Unfortunately, it was sold before it could be purchased. It held in excess of 1,200 Q5 weapons which would had been used for rank training.

» Seriously, there is not much to say. Write your congressperson and tell them how much you love them.
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» Check out The Report on Air - showing now every Tuesday at 10:00 PM Eastern Standard Time, 9:00 PM Central (19:00 eRepublik Time). Topics addressed are the world's current events as well as any questions or commentary from call-in viewers. To call-in when live, just follow the link. Also, every Thursday is Open Mic Night at the same time to answer any questions and talk about anything.

» Remember to volunteer to vote on Sunday and do your democratic duty! If you are interested in doing this long-term, try out our United States Air Force

» Check out Woxan's Top 10 Influential Americans article; it is pretty interesting.

Written and Edited By,
-Jewitt, Chief Editor
-WahooBob, Multimedia Manager
-Michael Hunt, Senior Correspondent

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