Valuable Regions Of The New World

Day 1,075, 07:04 Published in Serbia Serbia by DjApE BeAsT

Hello everyone! 😃
Using I managed to get all high regions and the users of the region. xD
So here are the results.


So China has two high iron regions, and Spain has two high regions two.
Notheast of Brazil has high oil too, but Western Siberia (Poland) has high oil, high stone and high iron.


Canada has most high stone regions, seven high stone regions. Poland two high stone regions and also France with two high stone regions.


USA has 5 high oil regions. Iran has 2, Mexico 2, and China 2 and Poland again 2.


There are only 9 high titanium regions. South Africa has 3 of them and Canada 2.


According to the site, there are only 60 high grain regions in the eWorld.
You can just look at the picture and see how many states have got grain. The most common resource of them all.

And all the resources has only one eCountry in the eWorld.
China! Thanks to Eastern Siberia, China got 2 missing resources to get all five.
Poland was close, but not enough. But thank to the new module, the economy depends greatly of the gold buyed using cash. But enoguh of that subject.

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Military events.

Well what can you say about them. You could speak of the changes on the map, but there are what more that 20 battles per day. No fun reading it, when the map changes per minute.
The biggest event that happend was yesterday, FER was conquered by Russia using a RW.

Hope you enjoyed the article and thank you in advance, Reaper 13.

EDIT: It has been brought to my atention that some (many) regions are missing, I am sorry for this but the site I took it from is steel under construction. Thank you.

PS. This article was written yesterday, so maybe something changed, but I wouldnt count on it.