V2 Summary: What's new?

Day 941, 07:59 Published in Canada USA by Cavalcanti


For many this article may look obvious, but I am pretty sure the majority is curious about V2. For those who doesn't know yet, you can fill out a form and be a V2 beta tester here. A certain ammount of people is accepted daily, so be quick. The more we know about V2 before it starts, the less mistakes we will make - I hope so. 😛

In this article I'll write my insight about V2. I will present it, show the major changes, its features and some comments about my brief v2 experience. Even though my english is somehow "noobish", I hope you'll get the point of the article.

Citizen page

The main change is that there won't be the My Places menu as we do now. The My Places will lead to a Uptown page, where your citizen will decide on what she/he is going to spend his daily hours: working, training, studying and relaxing.

http://imgur.com/yrxAU.jpg" />

Each activity has its own boosters, like Alexander, Caesar and Napoleon in the v1 training grounds. In the first days of v2 testing, there were several boosters in the training page but the admins deleted the most expensive ones. Even if we're not sure if they will come back when v2 is launched, I managed to copy all the info and saved into a google doc. By the way, all the boosters are saved there, if you wanna take a look at them.

http://imgur.com/nZpS0.png" />

The wages are now paid by hour of work. You can allocate up to 12 hours daily to work. Training, relaxing and studying can consume up to 12 hours each from your daily hours.

http://imgur.com/ab7fj.jpg" />

In the Downtown all the other My Places sections are locate😛 Organizations, Newspaper, Political Party, Advertising Page and Country Stats.

Now let's keep the My Places thing a little bit aside and see what's new in the Citizen Page.

Wellness and Happiness

As most of you know, in v2 there will be a new indicator: Happiness. So far I could find out that happiness affects only your working productivity. Basically everything reduces your happiness: working, training and studying. Relaxing seems the only way to recover it. Food and moving tickets also increase happiness when used.

Wellness, sometimes referred as Health, seems to have no change at all.

Oh, a curiosity about the avatars: their dimensions are going to be 158x158 pixels and not 100x100 anymore.

Economy Skills: Professions

Unlike the economy skills known in v1 (Manufacturing, Land and Constructions), there will be several Professions, each one correspondent to certain jobs. It seems there will be only one profession equivalent to Land, three to Constructions and the rest of them equivalent to Manufacturing, but don't worry, you'll be able to spread your points on whatever you want. For more details read the admin's article about Migration. For more details about each profession, scroll down to the Economic Module section.

Each time you work, you slowly improve your profession skill. For further increases you should spend some hours studying it. Each profession has its own levels of knowledge. The more you work, the more you spend hours studying it, the higher it will be.

http://i49.tinypic.com/14xe5c8.png" />

According to Pearlswine, the minimum EXP for each economic rank is:
1. Apprentice (0-19 XP)
2. Assistant (20-99)
3. Junior (100-499)
4. Senior (500-1999)
5. Coordinator (2000-4999)
6. Specialist (5000-9999)
7. Expert (10000-39999)
8. Master (40000-79999)
9. Guru (80000-Unknown)
10. Guru * (Unknown)
11. Guru ** (Unknown)
12. Guru *** (Unknown)
13. Guru **** (Unknown)
14. Guru ***** (Unknown)

Weapon Skills

Just like the economic skills, the military skill (Strength) will split into other weapon skills:
http://beta.erepublik.com/images/icons/skills/rifle.png" /> RIFLE
http://beta.erepublik.com/images/icons/skills/tank.png" /> TANK
http://beta.erepublik.com/images/icons/skills/artillery.png" /> ARTILLERY
http://beta.erepublik.com/images/icons/skills/airunit.png" /> AIR UNIT

Like the economy skills, each weapon skill will have 10 different ranks, each one providing you a bonus to your damage. You can improve your level by training and by winning a fight.

1. Greenhorn (0-40 Damage dealt)
2. Rookie (41-200)
3. Hotshot (201-1000)
4. Marksman (1001-4000)
5. Sharp Shooter (4001-10000)
6. Professional (10001-20000)
7. Expert (20001-40000)
8. Ranger (40001-Unkown)
9. Nemesis (Uknown)
10. Veteran
11. Unknown
12. Unknown
13. Unknown
14. Unknown

http://i46.tinypic.com/23ut11z.png" />

Military ranks

http://beta.erepublik.com/images/icons/ranks/private.png" /> http://beta.erepublik.com/images/icons/ranks/corporal.png" /> http://beta.erepublik.com/images/icons/ranks/sergeant.png" /> http://beta.erepublik.com/images/icons/ranks/lieutenant.png" /> http://beta.erepublik.com/images/icons/ranks/captain.png" /> http://beta.erepublik.com/images/icons/ranks/colonel.png" /> http://beta.erepublik.com/images/icons/ranks/general.png" /> http://beta.erepublik.com/images/icons/ranks/fieldmarshal.png">
No new military rank so far

There won't be big changes in the military ranks. However, the v2 screenshot that was leaked months ago showed that you would need 25000 damage points in order to achieve the Lieutenant military rank:

Click the image to see the full screenshot

Making military ranks harder to achieve would be a great change. It would also make people buy/waste more Gold "tanking" in battles, which is more or less what admins want. Also, 75000 damage is just too easy to deal if you play actively. Unless you fight barehanded most of the time. That's pretty hard.

More details about the military module, battles and fighting will be released in my next article. Don't forget to vote and subscribe. 🙂

Economic Module

- Natural Resources and New Products: As everybody know, diamonds and wood are goign to be replaced by titanium and stone, respectively. Also, there won't be gifts anymore, the mundial gift stock will be transformed into air units, in in their proper proportions. Weapon companies will be replaced by Rifle companies.

As result of that, tank and artillery companies will start from zero, requiring initial investiment. That may lead us to various speculations, which I'll let you comment about them in the comments. 😛

- Companies and Products: They will keep having from 1 to 5 quality level, and the prices to upgrades/downgrades are the same. What changes now is each company have points, proportional to their quality level, that shall be used to customize their products. These products will have distinguished components. The more customization points is invested in a component, its benefits raise as well (duh, that's obvious).

http://i47.tinypic.com/qqsdid.png" />

These points, by the way, are proportional to the quantity of components of each product need to be concluded.

For example, food needs only two components: Ingredients and Packaging. So, a q1 food company receives 30 customization points right when it's created. As the company is upgraded, more points are given to raise the product's benefits. A Q2 food company has 60 customizations points, a Q3 one 90, and so on.

Now, a moving tickets company needs three components for its final product: Paper, Packaging and Itinerary. A q1 moving tickets company has 40 customization points to allocate in its three components. A q2 moving tickets company has 80 customization points, a Q3 one 120, and so on.

The weapons companies have four components/attributes each, therefore they receive 50 initial customization points, and q5 companies have 250 points to balance between those four attributes (Attack, Defense, Durability and Damage).

http://i50.tinypic.com/345fwyg.png" />

tl;dr: 2 components = 30 points for each upgrade, 3 components = 40 points for each upgrade, 4 components = 50 points for each upgrade.

OBS: To create a company now is needed 40 Gold. 20 Gold are used to really create it, and the other 20 are to be used as initial capital - will be transfered into the company account). Somehow, this price increase will difficult and avoid newbies to spend money with companies they won't have an idea about how to manage them. On the other hand, it will make people buy Gold if they're not patient to wait for the scarce Gold coming from their Treasure Maps.

Speaking of Treasure Maps, I don't have an idea if they'll be kept to v2.

http://i48.tinypic.com/2i7s8jl.png" />

- Companies Management: In general, the companies management might be a harder task for everyone, but at the same time, companies will be distinguish by what their products can offer, and not just their price - pretty much what happens in real life.

Besides that, a modern design made companies look like real factories: production lines, components and all that (see below for more details). The companies pages are, let's say more attractive, but at the same time they took more time to load - at least made a difference to my connection if compared to v1.

http://imgur.com/8hwD0.png" />

http://imgur.com/CYxtY.png" />

- Formulas: Who knows? Admins said they will add them into the wiki when "the time is appropriate". One week, perhaps? Interesting topic, btw.

- Skills: In the v2 people will have to make choices. Unlike when v1 was launched, now you'll have to pick a profession (or two and even three if you want) and stick with it, in order to receive higher salaries. There are 11 professions, and most of them are related to the current Manufacturing skill. Land skill will be replaced as Harvester.

Professions are:
http://beta.erepublik.com/images/icons/skills/engineer.png" /> - Engineer
produces Rifle Barrel (rifle), Tank Barrel (tank), Gun Barrel (artillery) and Missiles (air unit)
http://beta.erepublik.com/images/icons/skills/producer.png" /> - Producer:
produces Ingredients (food), Paper (moving tickets)
http://beta.erepublik.com/images/icons/skills/architect.png" /> - Architet
produces Layout (house and defense system)
http://beta.erepublik.com/images/icons/skills/builder.png" /> - Builder
produces Walls (house, hospital and defense system)
http://beta.erepublik.com/images/icons/skills/carpenter.png" /> - Carpenter
produces Roof (house and hospital)
http://beta.erepublik.com/images/icons/skills/fitter.png" /> - Fitter
produces Rifle Butt (rifle) , Body (tank, artillery and air unit)
http://beta.erepublik.com/images/icons/skills/harvester.png" /> - Harvester
produces grain, oil, stone, titanium and iron
http://beta.erepublik.com/images/icons/skills/marketingmanager.png" /> - Marketing Manager
produces Packaging (food and moving tickets)
http://beta.erepublik.com/images/icons/skills/mechanic.png" /> - Mechanic
produces Frame (rifle), Engine (tank, artillery and air unit)
http://beta.erepublik.com/images/icons/skills/projectmanager.png" /> - Project Manager
produces Itinerary (moving ticket), Ambulances (hospital) and Cannons (defense system)
http://beta.erepublik.com/images/icons/skills/technician.png" /> - Technician
produces Ammunition (rifle, tank, artillery and air unit)

Personal opinion: I think the formulas related to land companies will make it easier to produce raw materials. A single harvester will be able to produce much more than he already does in the v1. That way companies wouldn't need harvesters so much, and people could actually pick something specialized - that's what admins want with all those brand new professions, I suppose.

Political Module

I haven't seen any change so far. I wish Trade Agreements could be added again. It would make the trade aspect of the game way more dynamic. Setting up official ministries and ministers would be nice too.

Another minor changes

I haven't see any other major changes in the v2. In my last article I wrote about the new moving tickets effect, and how they are going to work. Read it here.

If it counts as "v2 change", now articles doesn't show only the first 20 comments. When you load an article, it shows the first 100 comments. If you want to read further, go to page 2, if the article has more than 10 comments, that is.

I could not find any other interesting change in the v2, of course that there will be more. The military module section is in my next article, don't forget to vote and subscribe! 🙂

again sorry for my sometimes-awkward english :3