V2 guide going up!

Day 965, 22:24 Published in Pakistan Pakistan by Redphienix

I've been reading up on other players interpretations, and taking notes on what does what.

As such a new V2 guide has been started and will continue to be edited until it is deemed nearly perfect 😉

More tuts will come shortly after this one, including a possible collection of schedules and a video or 2 over erepublik life!

In order to get that perfect guide we have to start somewhere.

For all ePakistani Citizens [or anyone who needs a hint at V2 and spotted this article] check out this:

Forum post

Credits are given out at the end of the post.

Let's all go learn how to play erepublik again! We have to drive down a road we probably thought we wouldn't see again:

Good luck and input is MORE then appreciated. Have fun all

Minister of Education