V2, Fighting and You: Be Smart

Day 973, 20:43 Published in United Kingdom United Kingdom by Dishmcds
Most of the complaints about the War Module have been about the new style of PvP introduced, and because there are many who don't know how it works. This is easily fixable. For those reading, no, I do not have the ability to reduce the amount of time per round. Sorry.

Moving on, here's an easy way you can fight nearly all day, without spending a ton on Boosters. Saying that, this hinges on having hospitals fixed, as we cannot place them currently. Once this issue is fixed, the war module will actually be fun for a change.

1. Yes, you can lose a lot of wellness, but that doesn't mean you can fight once or twice and be done. You can have your health healed to 40 twice per day automatically after losing. Once you do, you can go sit next to a hospital your country controls for as many turns as you want. It will restore wellness as each turn passes until you're up to 100 (or desired level if you choose to leave it's radius).

2. The 70 Wellness Rule - Each day you can restore automatically to 40 twice. This means you can redeploy into a battle zone and heal at a hospital, and fight again if you choose. If you fight again, and lose (dropping down to critical level), you will automatically heal to 70 wellness at Day Change. Whether or not your food and house increase will still kick in at this point is a mystery as it seems to work for some, and not for others. Until we find out for certain, if you do use the 70 wellness rule, then I suggest donating your food to an Org you control until after day change. You don't want to lose a perfectly good piece of food for nothing.

3. Boosters: Boosters aren't required, although they do increase your chances of success on battlefields. Full tanking strategy for higher skill players is still being analysed to which methods will be most useful, but for now, you don't actually have to use them. You can fight with the free boosters, as long as you choose your opponents wisely. If you do 10 damage per turn based on your weapon, skill, and abilities, then it's probably not smart to try and attack a 25 damage per turn Tank. You want to try and attack units you can be successful against.

Two Clickers and An Offensive Strategy

The debate about strategy in military offensives is not clear at this point. It's obvious that sheer numbers of population in battle is a bonus, but since it now takes anywhere from 15 to 30 minutes to properly fight one round (more or less), it's less likely that damage from two clickers will be as useful as it was in hitting the wall. Countries like Poland, the United States, Spain, Hungary, and Serbia could build walls upwards of millions based on pure two clicking population, but now, it actually requires some thought to where to deploy, move, and fight to win. Remember, you win by taking 75% of a region's tiles, and it's capital in offensive campaigns.

For now, if you're two clicking in an offensive battle, the best strategy to use would be to find a hospital or Defence System (obviously, once they can be deployed), and deploy in that tile. Building up reserves of 500+ troops on that tile with just two clickers will be effective in maintaining control over it's abilities. Remember, the downside to deploying into a region and then not staying around to fight it out will be that unless you log in later, you will lose wellness if attacked, and won't be able to get it back by using the healing option (you need to redeploy to do so).

Using two clickers to control various spots on the map, such as bridges, cities, hospitals, and Defence Systems will be the best way for you, the two clicker, to help your country.

Two Clickers and a Defensive Strategy

On Defence, whoever is attacking needs to take the capital city to win. The battle could literally last 3 days (72 hours) from when it starts, but unless they take the capital, the Defending country wins. Essentially, for smaller nations it will be a build up of how many troops you can place in the Capital.

For two clickers, who are not staying to fight, deploy yourself directly onto the Capital. This will allow the Organised Army to move about and try to fight the battle, while keeping a strong reserve of troops in the Capital to withstand assault. I'm sure that troops will be stationed there to bolster defence, but if you get enough two clickers, it will deter anyone from attacking it directly.

Learn the Map

The new V2 battlefields are ripe with various bonuses, terrain, and different areas of interest. Learning the map you're fighting on, where the choke points of attack are, how to defend using a Phalanx to defend areas, controlling bridges, cities, Hospitals, and Defence Systems will be key to each troop type being successful. If you are a Rifleman, it won't be smart to attack a Tank in the open Hills. Fighting smart will require thought beforehand, not just healing at the proper time.

Until Next Time, Hugs and Kisses;
Just Another Guy
