V2 – A Failure??

Day 965, 13:02 Published in Ireland Ireland by Brendan C

So far…. yes

Migrations and the economy:
I was on holidays when V2 started so I missed the time where I could customize my skill points, but to be honest, I’m glad I did. Now my skill level is equal in all areas, so I can always get a half decent job, but a lot of people have put all of their skill points into 1 area and now cannot get a good job (or any job at all).
In terms of company migrations, they made a mess of the weapons companies. If you wanted your weapons company to turn into a tank or artillery company you had to submit a ticket (and we know how quickly they get replied to), for this reason there is currently only 1 company selling in the tank market, and 2 in the artillery market.
And why did they make it so all RM companies are now Q1? Why couldn’t they have just left RMs the way they were? In V1 if you bought Q1 RMs for your company you would usually make a loss, is it any different now?

The war module:
The war module isn’t out yet, but from the screenshots I’ve seen it will be a bitter-sweet change. It will look pretty cool, be more realistic and the epic battles will be even more epic, but there will be a huge downside for me.
The downside is two-fold. First of all it will now take way longer to fight. In the screenshots it says each side will have 3 minute turns. In V1 it took me 10 seconds to fight, now if I want to fight once it will take a minimum of 3 mins – usually longer. That’s fine if you have time to spare and you are looking to get into the battle, but if you are in a rush, you won’t be able to fight that day. Realistically 1 minute is long enough for each turn.
The second thing is that it will cost a lot more gold. In V2 battles it will be a lot easier to lose health so you will need to buy wellness boxes (0.5 GOLD each) to keep your wellness up, and if you don’t have enough gold you will end up losing a lot of wellness and eventually die.

At the moment you can’t get through a day without seeing that damn chicken. And it isn’t just the new stuff that has bugs, for example today I can’t look at my !!.

I understand that erepublik is a business, and that it needs to make money, and I have no problem with having the option of buying gold, but now we are practically being made to buy gold as well as them making more things that we would want to spend gold on.
The first thing the admins did was they made it harder to get gold for free by making the treasure maps. Then to make us buy gold the admins gave us the option to spend gold on all other activities (working, training, even relaxing). I have no problem with them doing this with working and training, in fact I think it makes the game better, but then they implemented the library, which is clearly only made so that we will spend more gold – they could have just left it the way it was in V1, where we gained experience in our job skill by working, but instead they made a separate area where you could spend yet more gold.
The other thing that annoys me is the happiness. This first of all makes the game harder to understand for noobs, and it also means that they could make an area to relax. And guess what we can do there – that’s right – spend more gold.

I don’t know about you but I have never bought gold and never plan on doing so, if it turns out that I am forced to in order to survive I am definitely leaving erepublik.

To summarize:

In paul we trust

I think this article sums up what I have said so far pretty well.

The other side of things:
I think there is light at the end of the tunnel though. In a few days GMs will have come to grips with the system more so there should be more job offers (and hopefully more offers in the tank and artillery market).
As I said earlier the war module – although another way to suck gold from us – looks as though it should be more entertaining.
Hopefully the bugs that we are seeing will also go away.
Anybody who is thinking of quitting because of these changes (and I am among them), I think you should wait at least 2 weeks before doing so. You will have gotten more used to the game, the economy should have stabilised by then and we will know what the military module is like. If after all that you still want to quit then go ahead, I know I will be seriously considering it.

Thanks for reading

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Brendan C

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