V1 Presidents: A History

Day 964, 06:24 Published in United Kingdom Ireland by 1nterestingch4racter
As we enter a new phase in eRepublik (rising) I thought I’d fill in a lot of newer players on the achievements (and failures) of the various version one presidents and the runners up. I hope it’s enjoyable and informative!

December 08

Here we see current UKRP PP Dishmcds, winning a landslide victory over Bremer, the PCP candidate of the day, beating him by over 100 votes. In those days that was pretty significant and dish won over half of all votes cast, and it was his second term in office after beating Tim09 from the PCP the month before. Since then he has gone on to international fame and in his time has been president in the USA,UK and Mexico. It is interesting to note that he was at this time supported by TUP, themselves not a very strong party with the PCP being the main left wing opposition. Bremer left PCP shortly afterwards, and joined the newly formed MDU (Movement for Democratic Unity) and then faded into inactivity.

January 09

A new year and an incredibly close election between UKRP candidate deathtoll32 and the PCP’s Relic. Deathtoll won the election by 10 votes, once again securing dominance for the UKRP in the presidential elections. Deathtoll went on to join the Philippines rescue mission along with several others (including myself) to help rebuild a PTO’d country. On returning to the UK he surprisingly joined the PCP, but started a new account because he wanted to start afresh and not be judged for past actions. He is currently a member of TUP under a different name. Relic never really went back into serious politics after that, and can be often seen hanging around on irc making a nuisance of himself 😛 .

February 09

This is the month where it all changed. A coalition of TUP,PCP and MDU joined forces along with the smaller independent Freethinking party (later to be RFA) to field a joint coalition candidate to beat the UKRP. Final Destiny of the IFP was chosen as a candidate to fight the veteran UKRPer JerryGFL for the top spot. FD was triumphant and won with over double the amount of votes that Jerry received. However, FD soon went inactive and there was a big debate about the impeachment and who should take charge. PCP congressman Dan Fallows proposed an impeachment that was voted down to prevent what he saw as an illegal impeachment attempt against FD, and was widely condemned by the community. FD was finally impeached and Jerry took over and was a fine president. He took massive steps with his chancellor RRS to get the economy and the country back on the road out of ruin.

(Yellow Submarine Coalition)

March 09

JerryGFL was reelected against competition from the newly formed LSD (Liberal social democrats) a break away TUP group who didn’t like the direction in which Iain Keers was taking the party. However Jerry gained a comfortable majority and the MDU held its own by getting an impressive vote percentage with candidate Oexis for such a small party, securing almost 20% of the vote. Jerry is still a key player in the country, HazzN (the LSD candidate) joined the Philippines expedition and was president there for several months. However, he left the game and asked for his account to be deleted by the admins.

April 09

The first major competition between left wing parties, with malta_1990 from TUP going head to head with the PCP’s rastari. Malta won the election comfortably and went on to have a controversial term. He reformed the health service to make it a lot more efficient but the military PTO of the Czech republic divided the nation over the quality of his term. Malta pleaded innocence and congress were divided over returning the money, just over 100g. The PCP and in particular rastari were adamant that the money be returned, calling PTOs unethical and against the point of the game. I would imagine that the view now on the PTO would be very different. Both malta and rastari are still around, with varying degrees of activity.

May 09

One of the most controversial terms in UK history. UKRP candidate Sara Droz won a comfortable victory being supported by TUP, and brought in many changes that a lot of people didn’t like. Her corps plan was to have the military split up into privately run paramilitaries, funded partly by the state. The most successful of these was Camelot, run by Iain Keers which provided a much better deal than the military at the day (there were hardly any military companies and weapon distribution varied) and his system of working for weapons was adapted by our military and others across the world later. Her MoFa goku jones was also a choice that many frowned upon, his heavy way of dealing with things left many unhappy.

There was an incident whereas goku gained the trust then stole funds that were being used by a group led by RRS to politically take over Ireland. It is still unclear exactly what happened, but the consequences are well known. RRS, enraged at his actions took control of the MoF org using email password recovery left over from his past terms. He stole the treasury and demanded a list of things in return for the money. The first was the handing back over of the corps to the military, and another was the removal of goku jones. His final one was that the UK back Germany in the Swedish invasion, controversial because Sweden was a member of our alliance ATLANTIS, and Germany was a trial member who had a long history of war with Sweden. Many UKers saw the invasion as injust and a breach of alliance rules and confidence in the alliance was shattered. Sara flip flopped and kept changing sides, being pressured by members of the alliance and members of her own government and country. Most of the money was returned however over 300g was retained by RRS who claims he tanked him and his friends in the Germany battles. It seemed Sara had not achieved any of her political goals and she was blamed by many for a complete lack of direction and leadership. She is now currently a senior official in the Canadian government.

June 09

May saw the formation of a cross party cabal, with members including Kumnaa, GF and John Forseti. Their aim was to prevent the UK suffering under weak leaders such as Sara Droz and planned to take over and implement strong changes. Kumnaa was put forward as CP candidate and went up against JerryGFL for UKRP. It was a close match but Kumnaa won, showing that public confidence in UKRP was shattered and that they had finally lost their grip on the presidential seats. Kumnaa was an incredibly popular president who reformed both the political system and the military. He cut red tape and handed more executive powers to the president and his cabinet and brought in the mass nationalisation of military companies to create weapons (building upon the success of the Camelot model) that many of us know today.

Both his and his MoFa Glorious Failure were known to be pro PEACE, however kumnaa wanted open discussions involving all the members of our community. Whilst negotiations with the USA and their Fortis alliance did go on, it was an incredibly unattractive alliance as it gave weighted voting to the USA and Spain to give them a commanding say in alliance affairs. Congress voted twice on the treaty and rejected it both times, even after weighted voting was dropped. The number of threats, accusations and insults coming from the American leadership including president Scrabman and his MoFa Harrison Richardson drove many British citizens away from the idea of an anglo-american alliance and got them interested in PEACE, who seemed a lot more welcoming.

July 09

July saw the consolidation of power for the UK-left political alliance, TUP and PCP showing that collectively they could beat a strong UKRP candidate. Hassan Pesaran beat Dishmcds reasonably comfortably and had a reasonably successful term. We engaged in a supposed training war that saw Scotland taken by Hungary. However, this gave them a land bridge to attack Canada, and was widely seen by Fortis as a betrayal of trust and friendship, a bit hypocritical since Harrison Richardson called us ‘only allies on paper.’ Under Hassan we finally joined the PEACE alliance and we went on to join in and help the PEACE invasion of North America, unsuccessfully holding on to Canadian regions but acting as a block nether the less.


August 09

Hassan was successfully elected for a second term with very little competition. He was backed by both TUP and their rivals the UKRP, meaning there was very little chance of him being defeated. His term saw us get more involved in the war and alliance affairs.

September 09

This is the month that politics became interesting again. International legend Glados was run by both TUP and PCP as a left wing candidate (seems crazy huh?) and comfortably beat the UKRP candidate GF (now under the name Necrosis). However, there was a viable third candidate for the first time in my erepublik career. PCP and RFA teamed up to run Scipio the Great, someone that was greatly respected on all sides of the political spectrum and seen as a really alternative. It was even hoped that he could win, until he went inactive at the last minute due to personal reasons. The campaign ran widdows9000 quickly, however the energy and momentum was lacked and he ended in a disappointing 3rd place.

For many, Glados’ term was a disappointment. He didn’t enact any of the socialist policies he was elected on and defected to the newly formed right wing FDP (free democratic party) he then launched an unsuccessful war against Norway (Valhalla) in a desperate attempt to get himself re-elected.

October 09

This month saw Glados, now backed by right wing FDP and UKRP parties, pitted against new TUP candidate Mr Woldy. Many of you will now recognise Woldy as one the leading diplomats in the whole alliance, however back then he had little SA experience and was much more a domestic politician. However, his incredibly popular personality and politics swept aside Glados as the electorate expressed their disappointment of his term. Woldy brought in sweeping domestic changes and massively improved government communication to the general public. He also became heavily involved in alliance affairs and we played our part in securing regions at the end of the American war.

November 09

This month saw Woldy comfortably sweep away opposition candidate AltmerVampire from the RFA, who was backed by the UKRP and various other right wing parties. It reflected both his incredible popularity and the power of the UK-Left voting bloc.

December 09

This month shook it up a bit. Woldy was pitted against Craig Rossiter from the UKRP. Now, many expected another landslide victory for Woldy, considering the circumstances. He was a twice successful president, and Craig’s manifesto is regarded as one of the worst from a major candidate in a long time, along with an incredibly partisan cabinet if he had won. However, a massive part was played by Winston Churchill, the latest incarnation of the infamous PTOer Ajay Bruno. His aggressive campaigning, ruthless attacks on the left wing and huge advertising campaigns played off as he managed to secure Craig an incredible amount of the vote. Woldy ended up clinging to the presidency by only 3 votes, Craig having for EP and would have won the election in a tiebreak situation.

This term Woldy worked hard to build up the Phoenix alliance, that had been formed the day before the election on the 4th. From the start there has been lots of involvement from UK top figures, with Woldy being deputy SG for many months and Iain Keers being treasurer for about 8 months, both of them signed the initial treaty.

January 10

Wow, a new year already. This month, ex president Dishmcds was pitched against military honcho Nice Guy Eddie from TUP. Many will remember the incredible NGE avatar campaign, however Dish’s experience won him the votes of the two clickers and once again a UKRP CP took power. His term was one of ruthless organisation as he worked with the military and Phoenix to repel the EDEN invasion of the UK, the fortress London strategy allowing us to defend from a concentrated base as the enemy took worthless regions. He is considered one of the best war leaders we’ve ever had.

February 10

Dishmcds swept back to power during the middle of the war, partly due to the fact that TUP backed PCP candidate Draaglom had to pull out at the last minute and only appeared on the ballot as a formality. The nation once again rallied around Dish and relied on his to lead us to victory. An unpopular peace treaty was signed that saw EDEN pull out of the UK so we could rebuild our country and help by fighting our allies overseas. Many people including the Russian president saw it as a betrayal as we had fought for so long, however the decision was cleared by PHX command and was the in my opinion the right thing to do. Our resources were being wasted when they could be spent defending our allies important regions.

March 10

This month saw MoHa guru Karacticus taking the presidential spot under TUP, making a change back to a domestic midset from months of home war. His term was uneventful but steady, the kind of term a nation needs to re build finances after a war. AltmerVampire once again made an unsuccessful bid backed by the RFA and UKRP & co. this time gaining slightly less votes than he did in November against Mr Woldy but still narrowing the gap between his competitors.

April 10

This month saw Glados returning to the CP slot, having being beaten by Mr Woldy in September. Military man Pensive was the candidate for TUP, however when the PCP decided to support RFA’s John Bartlett they split the left vote and that opened the gate for Glados to gain re election. His term was pretty interesting, we saw a repeat of the Valhalla war against Norway, bringing much needed excitement back into the eUK. However, it ended the same way as the original campaign, due to several bugs and admin decisions. Norway was PTOd by multi accounters who then promptly attacked us. We retaliated and attacked one of their regions, conquering it and placing a Q5 hospital there. However, the admins closed the war, banned the multi accounters yet left the Q5 hospital in the Norwegian region. This was an unpopular decision and many eUKers felt they had been unfairly treated, but there was no word from the admins about returning the Q5 hospital.

May 10

This month saw Jamesw take the presidency. James used to be a high up figure within the UKRP then defected to TUP, and had widespread support within both parties. Craig Rossiter pulled out at the last minute citing personal reasons (many felt it was simply because of the overwhelmingly negative feelings towards his manifestos and cabinet from all sides) meaning the landslide victory belonged to James. He gained over 400 more votes than Craig, with the PCP choosing to support elbanaan who came third with no other real support.

June 10

This month saw the return of two political giants to do battle. Mr Woldy restood for the presidency against Dishmcds, both having been presidents before. Woldy had massive support from lots of parties, including the newly risen Social Democrat Party (SDP) that was starting to have an impact on the political scene. Woldy won a landslide victory against Dishmcds, however his term wasn’t seen as popular compared to his three terms last last year. A number of controversial decisions mainly involving the House of Lords provoked a lot of reaction from his opponents on the right.

July 10

So we’re finally here, the last month of V1. With the elections the day before Rising, I’ve decided to include them for argument’s sakes. Incredibly influential TUP politician Iain Keers had finally decided that the time was right for him to take the presidency. With a massive career in both UK politics and on the international scene as a soldier and economist, he is the father of the modern day Unity Party. Standing against him was Glados, back for his fourth shot at taking the presidency. The election was tighter than many had predicted, due to PCP supporting their own candidate, citing political stagnation as their motive. Keers beat Glados by 36 votes, and is in the process of implementing his strong and decisive policies for eRepublik Rising.

Thanks for reading if you’ve managed to stick with me through all of that, as you can probably tell I enjoy history and have a tendency to write a lot (although many of those who knew me during my early eRep career might tend to disagree) Thanks for reading and I hope you found it very informative, it’s my first article in Rising! Hopefully it is a change from all the ‘V2 sucks etc’

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