USA Department of State

Day 941, 19:35 Published in USA USA by Myles Robinson
NEWS, INC. Special Edition: Meet the US State Department

As a result of President Chocolate McSkittle's MEET YOUR GOVERNMENT initiative, we at the United States Department of State are pleased to introduce our department and explain what we do to the public.

The Department of State, the equivalent to another nation's Ministry of Foreign Affairs, is the largest non-military area of the American government. Tasked with representing our national interests abroad, gathering information on other governments, engaging in diplomatic and economic negotiations with foreign governments, and helping implement the foreign policy of the President and Congress, the fully-staffed State Department has over one hundred and fifty positions to be filled within it. The staff consists of everything from newbs to former country presidents. The Department is led by a member of the president's cabinet, the Secretary of State, who is typically regarded as one of the highest-ranking members of the executive branch and plays a large role in shaping and implement US foreign policy. Several secretaries have gone on to become president, such as Harrison Richardson, Emerick, Woxan, and Gaius Julius. Beneath the Secretary of State are several Deputy Secretaries who are either appointed by the president or promoted from skilled employees of the State Department. The Department is further divided into several bureaus. Whereas the Secretary and Deputies are politically appointed, those working at the bureau level generally remain unchanged between administrations.

My fancy flow chart skillz 😁^

Secretary of State: Mr. Hyphenated
Mr. Hyphenated is serving in his second consecutive term as Secretary of State. He has previously served as Secretary of Media and has been a long-time active member of the eUS political community. He is President McSkittle's chief foreign policy advisor and the primary voice of the United States to the international community.
Deputy Secretary of State: Myles Robinson
Myles Robinson began his service to the State Department in September as ambassador to China. He has since served as Boss of Asia, Deputy Director of Ambassadorial Affairs, Deputy Secretary of State for Asia and Oceania, and Secretary of State during the Woxan administration. As the number two in the department, he tends to focus on handling the internal affairs of State.
Deputy Secretary of State for Asia and Oceania: LexLuthor1
Lex has been active in US politics and diplomacy for a long time, serving previously as Secretary of State during Emerick's administration and helped organize ATO efforts against Ajay Bruno in South Africa. He has served as Deputy Secretary of State before, and currently handles our diplomatic relations with the nations of Asia and Oceania.
Deputy Secretary of State for Europe: James Strife
Strife has worked in the Department of State as the Deputy Secretary for Europe since the Woxan Administration. An experienced player and media mogul, he is well-known throughout European leadership channels and handles our diplomatic relations with the continent. Strife has previously served in a variety of positions, including Secretary of Education and Meals on Wheels Director.
Deputy Secretary of State for the Americas: comandokiller
State Department veteran comandokiller has been working for the department for months. With experience in Congress and the military, he spent a long time helping manage the Bureau of Ambassadorial Affairs. He has served as an ambassador, as the Boss of Eastern Europe, as Deputy Director of Ambassadorial Affairs, and then as Director of Ambassadorial Affairs. He handles all of our diplomatic relations with North and South America.

Others who work frequently with State:
Foreign Policy Advisor: Indrae
Director of Central Intelligence Agency: Rod Damon
Director of Human Resources: rainy sunday
White House Chief of Staff: Alexander Hamilton

The largest of the sections of the State Department, this bureau is tasked with staffing and managing our ambassador program, appointing an ambassador and deputy ambassador to each nation in the New World. These ambassadors not only represent the United States to their host nations, but they are also tasked with submitting reports on recent happenings within their nations so that our government can remain knowledgeable of what is happening in the world. The bureau is overseen by a Director and two deputies, who then have several underbosses to help manage the various ambassador teams by geography.

Becoming an ambassador is a great way to get involved in the game and to meet new people. It is excellent for new players looking to get a grounding in the game, or older players wanting to try out something new. If you're interested in becoming a United States Ambassador, sign up here.

Director of Ambassadorial Affairs: gagah
--The head of the bureau and overall manager of our ambassador program.
Deputy Director for Europe: Brent Abernathy
Deputy Director for the Americas, Asia, and Oceania: Jacobi
Director of EDEN Relations: Gaius Julius
--This is a new position created by President McSkittles to emphasize the relationship between the United States and EDEN and to help cooperation between the allied forces.
Secretary of Cultural Affairs: Chisholm
--Another new position created by McSkittles, this staff member helps increase awareness of foreign cultures in our media.
Boss of Eastern Europe: michal borkowski
Boss of Northern Europe: Shino336
Boss of Southern Europe: Walter Joseph Kovacs
Boss of Western Europe: Cody Franklin
Boss of the Americas: Jstott
Boss of Asia: noncompliant
Boss of Oceania: Preston Sage

This is a brand new bureau created by order of President Chocolate McSkittles, tasked with overseeing our economic relations with the rest of the world. This bureau will work with other nations to establish trade agreements or decide when to suggest the levy of an embargo on an enemy nation. They work with the Department of the Treasury as well. The head of the bureau holds a position equivalent to the Deputy Secretaries of State above.
Secretary of Economic Relations: mjdiv
Trade Director of North America: Dennis McVicker
Trade Director of South America and South Africa: Justin McCravock
Trade Director of Asia and Australia: Devoid
Trade Director of Europe: Aiden Astrup

The Department also has a Bureau of Immigration and Naturalization tasked with helping Congress on citizenship requests, as well as a Bureau of International Database tasked with created a world factbook for eUS officials to utilize. Both bureaus are currently undergoing renovation and reorganization.

If you would like to keep up-to-date with the affairs of the Department of State, please subscribe to its newspaper, State of Min😛 DoS News for announcements, job vacancies, and other interesting information. Current ambassadors and those with an interest in working with State are especially encouraged to subscribe.

Right now the State Department is focusing internally on reorganizing itself and incorporating President McSkittle's new ideas into our current structure. There are also changes being made to the ambassador program, overseen by gagah. Externally we are working on continuing our policy of building one-on-one relationships with foreign nations and assisting President McSkittles and American leadership in their communication and coordination with foreign countries.

That is the United States Department of State in a nutshell! If you have any questions feel free to PM Secretary Hyphenated or any of the deputies. If your question is specific to someone's position, feel free to contact them.

~Mr. Hyphenated~
Secretary of State

~Myles Robinson~
Deputy Secretary of State