USA and the ATLANTIS problem (war games postponed)

Day 544, 23:20 Published in USA USA by scrabman

First, I need to inform everyone that War Games that were scheduled for tomorrow will be postponed until Tuesday or Wednesday due to current military situations happening around the world that require attention. I have deployed our Marines and advanced National Guard units to assist (not in the coming war between Sweden and Germany ... we are remaining neutral in that conflict).

Second, recent events have caused me to seriously consider our place in the world after the PEACE seizure of Romania's high iron deposits last week in Podolia and WSR. Our own loss of a huge battle in FER has caused me to seriously evaluate our world status. Clearly ATLANTIS has been on the decline and has been ineffective in dealing with PEACE. Romania has been the real muscle behind ATLANTIS and now that they have gone turtle that leaves us at the disposal of PEACE without sufficient organization and military resources to be effective on the world stage in protecting our sole remaining iron source in Spain. If PEACE were to secure all of the iron sources that would be the endgame for the rest of us. My Deputy Secretary of State, Harrison Richardson, recently wrote a short article explaining our place in this conflict: here

Thus it is time for us to consider who our allies are both from the perspective of military as well as economic and diplomatic considerations. That puts Sweden in the camp of necessary military alliances meaning that we have to take their side in this unsavory attack on Germany. The primary justification that I had before, aside from my personal friendship with the German President, was that Germany was a provisional member of ATLANTIS. However, I have now resolved that we cannot continue to prop up the floundering ATLANTIS alliance. Thus, considering that Sweden has been our ally for much longer than Germany and is more crucial to our domestic and world security, I have the difficult and uncomfortable decision to side with Sweden in their upcoming attack on Germany. Though, as I said above, we are not sending troops there and are officially neutral under existing ATLANTIS terms. This is by agreement with the President of Sweden and the MoFA of Germany.

I make this decision in my capacity as President of the United States. Of course, this does not mean that the citizens of the USA must agree with me nor act at my direction. When Sweden attacks Germany it will activate our MPP with Germany and I can't stop the citizens from fighting in defense of Germany. Our long term goals will be better served by aligning with military powers such as Sweden and Switzerland. I do this in the interests of national security as well as for the purpose of ensuring our financial interests overseas. The State Department is exploring our options for a post-ATLANTIS existence (or possibly for a reformed ATLANTIS). This is a step that I'm moving forward with as the Nation's Chief Diplomat. Of course, Congress retains the power to vote on treaties, MPPs, and peace or war declarations.

I expect that my decision and efforts to move in this direction will be met with a mix of resistance and praise. I have delayed making this type of decision but I have come to the conclusion that we need a strong alliance that is capable of standing up to PEACE and is not obsessed with talking things out and meticulously over planning and failing to synchronize in time to respond to threats. We need an alliance that will be better able to respond to the types of tactics that PEACE continues to use so effectively against the ATLANTIS nations.

It certainly helps that I have served as President these last 8 weeks and have developed the stability to deal with these matters with an experienced cabinet and a good relationship with the military and many world leaders. My concern is that we need to start this process now as I do not think that a new President will be the right person to deal with these matters nor do I think that we can afford to wait. Based upon the intelligence that I have received I have reason to believe that PEACE is on the move and will continue to consolidate their power in leaps and bounds unless we can halt their progression. This week marks the first steps that we must take and cannot hold off any longer. Each week after that will test our mettle and resolve against the PEACE desire for world domination. This weekend starts the first steps to a new world.

I return to Machiavelli once again:
“A prince must imitate the fox and the lion, for the lion cannot protect himself from traps, and the fox cannot defend himself from wolves. One must therefore be a fox to recognize traps, and a lion to frighten wolves. Those that wish to be only lions do not understand this. Therefore, a prudent ruler ought not to keep faith when by so doing it would be against his interest, and when the reasons which made him bind himself no longer exist. If men were all good, this precept would not be a good one; but as they are bad, and would not observe their faith with you, so you are not bound to keep faith with them.”

“There is nothing more difficult to take in hand, more perilous to conduct or more uncertain in its success than to take the lead in the introduction of a new order of things.”