US Suffers PTO Attack, Gears for POTUS Race

Day 798, 21:32 Published in USA USA by Myles Robinson
eUSA Suffers Political Take Over Attack

Last night, citizens of foreign or unknown loyalties won in several election races in a minor PTO attack on our nation's Congress. As soon as eAmerican election monitors noticed odd voter movements in the country, the attack was discovered. President Jewitt was roused from bed and Congress and party leadership gathered in a well-organized attempt to counter this attack. In cooperation reminiscent of our banding together during the North American Invasion, the parties each made sacrifices and, together with the government, worked well to stop this PTO attempt.

Unfortunately, not every seat was able to be secured. Unfortunately, several fantastic and patriotic individuals lost their races to these enemies of ours. However, the attack failed to garner any sufficient control of our Congress; our government remains secure. Now Congress, the parties and the Executive Branch are working together to figure out how to prevent against such future attacks--and, rest assured, there will be more attempts--in order to secure our government from intrusion. These agents of our enemies have been added to blacklists and denied access to our government, and will only be able to cast in-game votes that will not be enough to influence outcomes.

In the meantime, there has been a temporary freeze on all citizenship approvals by members of Congress until we can finish sorting this out. The biggest threat to our security that these PTOers pose is allowing more Phoenix agents into our nation to affect future elections. We are working to stop this from being a problem. To those who legitimately seek citizenship to our country, please be patient and realize that this emergency has forced us to take extra security measures before continuing with normal citizenship reviews. Thank you for your understanding.

Check here for a more in-depth analysis.
And read here for solutions.

Jewitt Not Seeking Reelection; PigInZen/Frost Step Up

President Jewitt is stepping out of presidential politics for now, opening the field up. Even as the eUSA recovers from the PTO attack scare in the congressional elections, the race for President of the eUnited States is gearing up as both major candidates have chosen their running mates.

In one corner we have Vice President PigInZen running for the top spot. Pig is one of eAmerica's technology gurus and has been highly involved in White House politics for a long time. His running mate is Emmanuel Cruise, a three-term congressman and president of America's Advancement Party, the 4th largest party in the world.

In the other is former President Josh Frost, who recently announced his own candidacy for reelection to the presidency. The former wartime president and founder of Seal Team 6 has chosen popular eAmerican business magnate/media mogul/politician/philanthropist Max McFarland 2 as his running mate.

Congressman Joe Newton has also announced his candidacy.

To sort of put things in vague context for people, PigInZen is associated with last election's "Jewitt Camp" and Frost with last election's "Woxan Camp" to get a bit of an idea of who works with who. Both candidates have promised to engage in wars (E😛 see my previous article for my personal feelings on that) and finally press the button to invade the eUK if Jewitt has not done so by the election. Both are strong candidates, and News, Inc. will weigh in on the campaigns as they develop.

International Corner
In South Korea, after months of control, Theocratic domination of the nation came to an end as the Korean Nationalist Party sailed away with 50% of the vote, other Korean parties taking 44%, and the Theocratic Party receiving just 6% in election results. With South Korea once again under non-Theocratic rule, the government is beginning to rebuild and organize itself. The Theocrats, meanwhile, have settled into their new home in Spain and are looking forward to getting back into military action.

In Japan, as tensions begin to mount against president KITA Ikki with accusations that he is posturing to strengthen relations with the imperialist Phoenix puppet that is Russia, the Godzilla Party dominated with 42% of the congressional returns, the Imperial Sun Party coming in second with 27%. In opposition to the current President of Japan, prominent politician Reiji Mitsurugi originally announced his intentions to run for president next month, but today was forced to cancel his campaign due to RL circumstances. Today, Crawling Chaos, president of the Godzilla Party, announced his intentions to run for president; Crawling Chaos is also critical of KITA Ikki's foreign policies, and embraces helping to strengthen Asia and keep it independent from the ongoing struggle between EDEN and Phoenix.

~Myles Robinson~

PS: Thanks for the 4th term in Maryland! Sorry for the lack of other election outcomes; I'm really busy this week.