US president temporarily banned, congress denies Q5 hospital to New York.

Day 618, 05:02 Published in USA USA by Sossu

Fortis and EDEN in the tree, driven there by PEACE

It seems like Harrison Richardson, the US president is temporarily suspended from the game.

The most likely reason is abusive language in some article or comment, but it isn't revealed in the announcement in his profile. The ban lasts from 1-3 days, depending on the expression HR used.
This means that US can not attack in 1-3 days, but it really isn't anything serious as US is constantly being simultaneously blocked from several fronts. Still, during war time its essential that the leaders of the nation do not feed the trolls and get bans, as every inconvinience harms the command chain and leads to denail of various law initials. US can not for example propose any MPP😒 until Harrison gets "free". Its not the presidents job to cmment to trollers articles, but to lead the military and the nation in this struggle.

Congress denies Q5-hospital from New York.
Again, the congress harms the warfaring by doing something stupid. Like we saw in the operation Taco Bell, when congress starts to hesitate, the tide of the war changes. Do not hesitate, stay as one and lead US through this invasion. Plant Q5-hospitals as much as you can. New York is the best place for a Q5-hospital, as it is the home of over a thousand people but has Q3-hospital.
This is horrible to watch.
US is currently sufffering an attack to Kansas, on of their 3 Q5-regions. The wall is currently -54k, and if you lose, you will have as much Q5-hospitals as Finland has. Finland has 6 regions, you got 37. Oh, btw, your president is banned, so he can not start another law to plant any hospitals. So US will be without its 4 Q5-hospital for 1-3 days because of your reluctant congress.

Get a grip on, stand as a one nation, plant those god damn hospitals and win this god damn war. It wont happen if you continue this.