Upcoming Party Elections (Choose your party leader)

Day 449, 09:15 Published in Singapore Singapore by Kalashnikov Industries

The party elections come in two days where you get to choose the leader of your political party.

The people here at Singapore Newspaper would like to suggest Dean22 for the election.

Dean22 not only shows the determination needed for the upbringing of a country but also the dedication by aiding Singapore economically (by aiding Singapore Food open) and hiring Singapore's citizens.

Below is an interview with Dean22.

Why are you running for party elections?

Dean22: I am running for party elections to utilize my experience world-wide in helping create Singapore. This is is a democratic game and everyone has the right to run for party president in a party. I am giving you Singapore the choice to choose your leader instead of just having a leader that wasn't elected.

What can you promise if your are elected party president?

Dean22: If I am elected party president I can promise that I will select a mature, experienced AND inexperienced staff of congressmen. They will be gifted socially, militarily, economically and politically. They will represent Singapore and all of it's people and opinions. I will then after congress elections seek to find a suitable Presidential Candidate for the party. I will look at the credentials of all the possible people and select one who will best fit the country, it's needs and it's wants.

Can you say something good about Woshiempire?

Dean22: Woshiempire is a determined fellow who is trying really hard for office. I can tell he will eventually be a good politician one day if he works on his temper and he gains experience rather than trying to skip the totem pole.

Can you say something bad about Woshiempire?

Dean22: No, I refuse to go into name-calling politics.

What will you push for as party president?

Dean22: As party president, I will push for a detailed tax reform that suits the needs of Singapore. I will also speak to our neighbors of Singapore to talk to them about having peace. We don't want to join either Atlantis or PEACE at this moment as we must discuss the pro's and con's of both. However, if our neighbors force us we might be forced to go to PEACE.

Hopefully, Indonesia will let us be a free country instead of taking us over. Singapore can get all the help it wants but it will not win a war against Indonesia and it only has one chance.

That is all thank you for your time Dean22.

and that's the interview with Dean22. I hope you enjoyed.