
Day 1,886, 07:35 Published in United Kingdom United Kingdom by Gareth.4686

I've seen many articles

To name a few; and numerous comments that clearly indicate that many people aren't happy with the current situation. My problem is that we, collectively, voted for the people that are being blamed for putting us in this position.

This leads me to a number of possible conclusions:

1) The majority are happy and it's just the minority who aren't are more vocal.
2) Many people voted without knowing what or who they were voting for, simply being told to go and vote for a particular person or party.

3) Many people aren't voting.
4) The voting system is rigged.

If 1) is the case, vote for change

Vote for solutions, don't vote for more of the same. As I see it if you don't vote you don't have the right to complain. So vote

and remember your vote counts

If 2) is the case, think before you vote


Vote for what you want, vote for what you feel is right, don't vote because you've been told to. If you're unhappy, vote for change.

Again remembering if you don't vote you can't complain, so vote

So vote

and remember your vote counts

If 3) is the case, vote

Vote for change

Or don't, but if you don't vote, you don't have the right to complain. Just remember that your vote counts

If 4) is the case maybe we need to think about a different system

Maybe stopping block party voting or breaking the parties up - saying that I'm not sure how much change is possible within the constraints of the game; for this reason I believe 1) - 3) are more likely.

At this point in time I have no idea which one it is, all I know is that something has to change and the way to change things is to vote.