Umbrella Corporation Tuesday Edition

Day 770, 21:41 Published in USA Belgium by M.Leviathin

Hello and welcome to The Umbrella Informer, the best place for Umbrella news and happenings around the world. This article will go over the Congress elections, the Karnataka battle, and some early POTUS candidates. Hopefully this article will help inform you on what's happening on Day 770 of the New World. Remember to vote and subscribe.

In Asia, however, we have finally made our move on the Indonesian held region of Karnataka. This comes after some land swapping with India and China, allowing us to reach the Indonesian fortress. The battle is here. Although we have 6 MPPs activated against them, you should still use weapons to maximize your damage. If you can't afford any, post here for free weapons. This battle will most likely cripple Indonesia if the US wins.

Hungary attacked Romania today, after months of escalating tensions. This comes as a big surprise as Hungary is faced with 10 MPPs and has none of their own. The US is unable to participate as we first have to propose peace and then propose a MPP. For those of you who want to fight, you can buy two moving tickets and move to Romania or you can wait for the MPP. It is highly suggested you wait and fight in Karnataka instead.

The eUS forums are still under DDoS attack, and are therefore unusable at the moment. For those of you who rely on the eUS forums, it is recommended that you find another means for communication immediately. This will allow you to stay in touch with the rest of the nation and keep you up to date on military orders. If you have not done so already, subscribe to the DoD to know where to attack or defend on a daily basis.

For my Umbrella members, we are in the talks for an upcoming raffle. If you have any suggestions or comments, please post them in our forum. This will help us increase our funds and our activity simultaneously. Remember to post in the sign in thread.

Let's move on to politics, shall we?

First up is the monthly Congress elections results. For my Umbrella subscribers, we did not manage to get anyone into Congress this month, but do not despair. We always have next month. For the rest of you, the elections went off without a hitch. Many new Congressmen and women have taken their seats and are ready to start their term. As expected, we had many people run in the temporary held regions of China for easy wins. This means we have more Congressmen in office this month than any other. For a full list of Congressmen, check out this page.

We have an early POTUS candidacy announcement as Woxan reveals to the US that he intends to run for President this month. He has ran before in October, losing to Gaius Julius. Jewitt also has announced his candidacy for President using his time in office as is platform. These are expected to be the main two contenders in January's elections.

If you are in Umbrella and want to represent us in Congress, please post in our forums so that we know what your intentions are. This will give us time to prepare and ready ourselves for the elections.

That's it for politics, time for other stuff!

1.)Admins deal with their own DDoS problem.

2.)Crazy is what this guy is calling our latest campaign.

3.)This lulzy announcement is chalk full of red.

4.)New and want to start a company? This article may give you what you need to accomplish that dream!

5.)A former president takes the time to write another article.

That about sums up today's article! I hope you enjoyed reading this and encourage to to subscribe if you have not done so. Remember, Umbrella is always recruiting and we are always willing to accept and help any new members or citizens. If you want to join our Corporation then please join our forums and post a topic using the form given to you in the New Members thread. If you live in the eUS, please join our party to elevate us in rank. Do not forget that without you, one more opinion and voice is left unheard. Project yourself! State your opinion and get active in our forums along with the eUS forums. Consider this opportunity well and achieve a purpose in this new world.