
Day 819, 10:22 Published in Thailand Thailand by Allan Dobrowolski

So listen up, today, I set out into Indonesian IRC rooms to try and get some kind of agreement to stop PTOing us.

I got in touch with their President, and he proposed a training war.


Here's how it'll work:
- Indonesia attacks Southern Thailand.
- We fight, they win.
- Indonesia RWs Southern Thailand back to us.
- Repeat.

That means 1 out of every 2 days, we get another battle to fight in. Maybe we could time it with the Malaysian training war to maximize the amount of time we have an active battle.

But why should we accept? All they've done is PTO us. If we accept this offer, I want the PTOs from Indonesians and/or people affiliated with Indonesia TO STOP! We used to be friends. What happened? Why did you guys come and take us over? Are we really that hostile that you needed to take control of our country? And why do you keep doing it?

Oh, and another thing. If we accept this, you have to swear to not attack India or Malaysia. Hmm, you have a peace treaty with both. But what's to prevent you from stabbing everyone in the back again? We can't agree to this if it potentially puts our friends and allies in Sol in danger.

Listen, I want us to be friends, but there's no reason for us to trust you. However, I will see that we consider this training war, and that it has Sol approval. If you want to have fun, by all means, attack Southern Thailand and take it yourselves. Don't trick us into "friendship" when your intentions are not sincere.

But if you sincerely want a training war, then we will go through all the paperwork with Sol, and we will make a contract. I would love to have another training war, especially one that doesn't cost us anything!

13:33 boncos no contract
13:33 boncos as u can see
13:33 boncos i can attack your region anytime i want
13:33 boncos i can give it back again everytime i want

So it seems Indonesia is just content with bullying us and forcing us into this "training war". Sigh...