Ukyo29 for Congress

Day 671, 18:23 Published in USA USA by ukyo29

I'm writing to you to ask for you vote for Congress member from Nebraska. As most of you are aware, our country is at war. We are at war against a very angry multi-national organization that is bent on our destruction. We need solid leadership to surround our president. Solid leadership with conservative ideals and even temperament. So I ask this of you. Cast an informed vote. Know what the candidate you vote for believes in, know how they says he will vote. Finally then follow up to make sure they vote how they claimed they would. A vote for me is a vote for my values. I will share them with you...


A Platform is the values that I hold to, how I will act is guided by this first and foremost.
1. I believe in Limited Government.
2. I believe in supply-side economics.
3. I believe in being held accountable for my actions.
4. I believe in personal responsibility!
5. I believe in a strong military.

What i will do for you when i get elected?

Domestic Policies:
1. I will cast my vote to lower income taxes.
2. I will never vote to raise minimum wage.
3. I will hold anyone seeking citizenship in the eUS to the highest standards.

Foreign Policies:
1. I will Support continued MPPs with our current allies.
2. I will Support expanding and creating new alliances with other countries which would seek to oppose foreign aggression.

Military and War:
1: I will support military funding.
2: I will support the president's policy decisions on when and where to place hospitals and defense systems.

1: I will publish a weekly article sharing every vote I gave and why I voted the way I did.
2: I will include the name of everyone I do choose to approve for citizenship and why in my article.

As we move forward into October we have a daunting task before us. Getting Russia, France, and Hungry out of eUS territory will be no small feat. The President needs congress members that will assist in this goal. I believe I am what he needs and I hope you believe it to.

Yours truly,


My opponent says "I am however for taxes being fair and equitable", a fair statement and one worthy of response. What he doesn't understand is how a taxed economy works. It's really very simple, the more money the citizens have, the more money they have to spend. The more money the eUS government collects in VAT taxes. This is the proper and healthy way to stimulate the economy. You look at the tax rates of successful foreign economies and you will see that their income tax rates are considerably lower than ours. We survive with higher taxes because we are so large, but how much better could we do if our economic system was as strong? Again, If you have more money, you have more ability to buy gifts, weapons, food, houses, and moving tickets. You grow faster, the economy grows faster, the government income actually increases, which provides more funding for the military. My opponent would leave taxes alone, or make very minor changes, possibly down... or... possibly UP. To me this says he is acting as most politicians do by leaving himself an out. He is not willing to embrace basic economic principles that may be seen as politically unwise.

I am not a politician, because a politician makes a career of politics. I am a statesman, I am a man putting my career on hold so that I can serve my country in politics.

Please cast your vote for Ukyo29 for Nebraska
Thank you