UK Government and UK Congress Inactive

Day 2,676, 03:50 Published in United Kingdom United Kingdom by Max Blue
As a citizen of the United Kingdom I am disappointed in my government and my congress.

Governments are meant to work for the benefit of the whole of the nation. Congress is meant to represent the will of the people. I strongly feel neither are doing what they should be. I have heard no communication of what congress is doing; nothing on the feeds, no PM's and no articles. Literally I have seen nothing that is going on from congress's perspective and I don't know what plans or ideas representatives have.

Painting other people as 'the bad guy' diverts attention away from you own short comings for only so long.

I have seen articles from the MoD telling us to fight here or there but no other information. No why, no priority explanation and absolutely no other communication from this department. Other departments are no better. MoF, MoHA, MoFA, Mr President I am not currently informed on your activities. To say I am disappointed would be accurate. I did see an article with information the other day which I was pleased to see, but I don't remember another article from the government this term.

To our CP, to our government and to our congress; please communicate with the people of the UK. There is a dictator in the UK but there are things to talk about. What have you suggested to the dictator? What has he said to you? What are your plans in working with the dictator/ working against the dictator? How can we move the UK forward?