Tyler F Durden For Congress - Prince Edward Island, CPF

Day 668, 01:27 Published in Canada Canada by Tyler F Durden
Check your Battle Orders eCanada!

Yukon Territory: Welcome back into the eCanadian family!

I, Tyler F Durden am running for a seat in Congress for the first time.

I am running in the Province of Prince Edward Island.

Picturesque Prince Edward Island.

Currently, I am the Party President of the Canadian Progressive Front - eCanada's newest, and fastest growing Party. The CPF enjoyed the highest voter turnout during the PP elections and we look to build upon that success.

We are a highly organized Party and intend on running candidates in each and every eCanadian region.

The Nitty Gritty:


I have been the eCanadian Ambassador to the eUSA for almost 3 months now.
You are free to visit the eCanadian Embassy to view firsthand the activity level of this Embassy. We are one of the most frequented Embassies on the eUS Forum.

Unless this is your first day in eRepublik, or have been living under a rock - you know that we are at war. In my opinion, we are engaged in total war. We must stand up for our allies and take accordingly appropriate actions against our adversaries. It is the opinion of this candidate that we must enact Trade Embargoes against all PEACE Member states. This is non-negotiable, unless
of course it would cost us 5000 Gold to do because of a specific NAP recently signed.

So far as Tyler F Durden is concerne😛

"If you are in PEACE, then you are at war."

Yes, there are eCanadian businesses which still trade - and advocate to trade - with the enemy.
This is not acceptable conduct for ANY eCanadian to engage in.

This war must be fought not only with fists and weapons - it must be fought with dollars, and sense.

We must deny our enemy any advantage whatsoever - regardless of the cost to individual business interests. We must assist our allies economically as well.

We must starve the eUK British bulldog with an economic embargo.

As a Congressman, you have my word that I will ALWAYS put eCanada first.

Many of my subscribers already know where I stand on this war, and the path we must forge to secure our future. We must maintain and nurture our Allies and keep our enemy always guessing.



Now that we have reclaimed NWT, we should embark on a aggressive campaign for deploying infrastructure. As eCanada - and EDEN's only source of High Diamonds, Tyler F Durden considers this region to be Strategic. PEACE has already long demonstrated their lust for High resource regions. Lets not neglect the North again.

All joking aside, we must secure for our ecomony and the CAF
a steady, reasonably priced source of Diamonds.

Gifts are a vital aspect in any war effort. Gifts don't happen without Diamonds.

We must make sure that import taxes remain low for resources which we do not have domestic access to - such as Iron. Fortunately, in this area eCanada is already on the right track - let's keep it there.


We must protect ourselves from the ever present threat of espionage. CSIS, headed by marcchelala must be given every freedom at our disposal to maintain our own freedoms, which we so cherish. The last thing we need is to be looking over our shoulder wondering:

"Is he a PEACE agent?"

In the recent PP elections, Cesar Augustus - after recieving his
Citizenship from Congress was suspected of spearheading a PEACE PTO
attempt using the CPP as the target Party.

Why was he granted Citizenship if he was a suspect Applicant?

Congress has been repeatedly blasted for their inability to process Immigrants in a timely fashion, but surely we can speed up the process while safeguarding our citizenry against espionage at the same time?

Congressional Immigration Services, with a little improvement


It is the opinion of this Citizen that if we are to build for the security of our future - we must plan for it today. I will be campaigning aggressively in Congress as the War Effort develops to create an Anti-Invasion Strategy. We must fortify our Gateway Regions so make it as costly and prohibitive as possible for bordering nations to launch future attacks against us. This includes settling Newfoundland and Nova Scotia - once we are able to conduct such a logistic effort. Admittedly, this will take time. However, I strongly feel that we must look in this direction - the direction into our homeland that any future enemy will take to attack us.

Pre-War Atlantic eCanada defences. Transient herds of Goats are not
an acceptable line of defence against future PEACE invasions. As you can see
from this archive photo, Goats will climb trees to avoid confrontation.


eCanada needs a strong Congress. At this point in the War we cannot afford to shirk responsibility in vital areas of national interest. I'm on your side - but you already know that.


Let's send this message loud and clear to PEACE.


Remember to check your Battle Orders eCanada!

Heard About the Allied Hotsheet ?

Okay, you can click her - but just this one time.

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