Two and a Half Years of Reflections

Day 898, 11:38 Published in United Kingdom United Kingdom by Dishmcds
Every so often, that thing called real life forces even the most dedicated of us to take a leave of absence. Whether it's planned or not, often times we find that a break from this game is rather enjoyable. In doing so, we can usually set time when we come back for reflecting on what we're doing here, what we've done, and how we view this game. Sometimes, our views on things may change, as we often don't realise what kind of emotional or physical toll this game can take on us.

Recently, I had to take one of those breaks, spending two and a half weeks or so going in and out of the hospital. Since being released, I've spent my time reading some articles and a few forums to just kind of feel what eRepublik is like. In my return, I just don't seem to be energised to get back to doing much. There isn't one single ounce of this game that screams "you just have to be involved in this" to me, which has taken me that much longer to get over. The motivation just isn't quite there.

Then I start to think about older players like myself, who have done multiple things, and have held most responsibilities within the realm of eRepublik. What is there for us to do, really? We can fight, vote, work, train, talk to people, etc, but what else is there?

Then I start to look at eRepublik for the future, and I have some rather minor reflections.

For starters, multiple accounts are ruining this game. In the past, we all realised that retention was largely an issue in this game because of the wait time that a new player had to really do anything in this platform. They couldn't do anything until almost day 5. None of us would have stuck around if it took us 5 days to do anything.

So they changed it to Day 2, more or less. We were all agreed that having more activities in game would keep more players, and if multiple accounts weren't so prevalent, I think it would be accomplishing its goal. The problem, however, is that they did not change any of the other experience levels to account for the issues it would create. In ten minutes, a group of ten people could create an army of voters, getting themselves to the required level, and influencing the history of an entire nation. Not only that, but they provide ten gold for every one created (invite+level 6 bonus).

What kind of sense does this make?
If your answer is anything but "none", then you're probably one of the cheaters.

It's no wonder that we've seen upwards of 125,000 G spent over the last month on battles from every major nation and alliance, really. It's no wonder all of a sudden everyone has gold. No one has found a "solution to the Economic problems of V1", they're going around the rules. This is flat out ruining the competitive spirit of this game. If winning or losing is based on who can create the most multiple accounts, then forgive me if I no longer find either enjoyable.

Then we can move on to what this game really is. There is no game, ever, that should require anyone, regardless of whatever "position" they hold, to be online 12-18 hours a day. Ever. It's a game. It's enjoyable, and should be. I've been President 7 times, but over time, the longer you play eRepublik you realise just how unhealthy it is to ask a President to stay online that long. Account sitting isn't legal, and since the President is the only person who can press buttons and propose various laws, it's inconceivable to ask anyone for that kind of commitment without a paycheck. It takes all the fun out of achieving that position, really.

I find it ironic, actually, that after most people make fun of how demanding the position is, after doing it for one month, most realise just how much pressure and commitment it actually requires.

If nothing else, they should allow Presidents to appoint in game "proxies" and allow them to have access to the buttons through their accounts.

Lastly, remember that no matter how much you dislike someone, we're all human beings. You might disagree with something they say right now. You might not like whatever it is right now, but you often won't see the results for months. Some months down the road, you might just see that they were right. You probably won't admit it, but if you refrain from calling them names (such as trash, traitor, emo, retard, etc) now, and remember that the only thing that is real in this game are the friends you make, then perhaps you'll stop from putting your foot in your mouth.

Hugs and Kisses,
Just Another Guy