Day 1,525, 12:52 Published in Bulgaria Thailand by deleted smee
Goodevening fellow eRepublikans,

A few hours ago, the government of Serbia published an article officially thanking FYROM for fighting for Serbia in a battle. A few days ago, the Hungarian government did the same thing and published an article officially thanking FYROM for fighting for Hungary in a battle. Repeatedly, the ONE countries are publishing articles thanking FYROM for fighting in their battles, and so the question arises, why do you publish articles thanking an ally for doing what they are supposed to do? Is it because you are surprised FYROM actually fought for their ally? Maybe it's because you know that if you don't publicly thank them they won't fight for you next time?

Serbia, why do you thank your "ally" for doing what they are supposed to do?

Serbia, you only thanked FYROM, why didn't you thank your other allies as well? Don't you care about them? Does their support mean nothing to you? Do they mean nothing to you?

Where is Poland?
Where is Hungary?
Where is Indonesia?
Where is Slovenia?
Where is UK?
Where is Iran?
Where is Sweden?
Where is Spain?

Serbia, why do you only thank FYROM?

Two days ago I published the article True Allies in response to the Hungarian article thanking FYROM. In it I displayed their true nature. Today I am publishing this article in response to the Serbian one, and frankly, I don't even need to write anything more then the comment that is below.

Croatia got 22 million in one round from one military unit.
Serbia got 43 million in whole battle from a country of 10,000.

Go thank your ally Serbia, go thank them over and over and over, but know this:

Croatia wouldn't publish an article to thank this military unit.
Croatia wouldn't publish an article to thank Bulgaria.
Croatia doesn't need to, because they are true allies, and you don't thank your ally for doing his part.

But Serbia, we know all too well how real your alliance ONE is. You are all true allies! So go ahead, thank only FYROM for fighting for you, and Serbia, thanks for showing which allies you appreciate (FYROM) and which you don't (everybody else).

Serbia, you have TRUE ALLIES.