Trouble in South America?

Day 851, 16:28 Published in USA USA by Jake Bennett

The following is an article from the Alianza HispanoAmerica (Latin American Alliance, ALA) describing a meeting yesterday among member nations.

The article reads loosely as follows:


Today, day 850 of the new world, representatives of Argentina, Brazil, Bolivia, Columbia, Chile, Mexico, Paraguay, Peru, Uruguay, and Venezuela met to discuss important issues to the future of the Latin American Alliance.

1. All countries except Brazil and Argentina have a 72 hour time frame to decide whether or not to leave the ALA.
-Each country should have a newspaper article and an ALA forum post justifying why they are staying and leaving the alliance.

2. They also gave a 72 hour period for Peru to decide, through a domestic vote, who would represent their country in the ALA. Leonardo or Jhon Salsichon.
- The ALA already gave Peru a one week period to do so, but a decision wasn't made. This case has yet to reach a decision, but one should be made by the representatives in this meeting.
-(unimportant stuff about their vote)
-Together with the voting results, Peru must decide to stay or leave the ALA like everyone else.

3. It will also be decided if Brazil and Argentina make, along with other countries with similar interests, a non-aggression pact.

4. Last but not least, I'm continuing being SG(don't know what that is) of the ALA, just as this alliance will continue, if it is so wished.
- The nationality of the SG and CP of the alliance have no intention(?) of leaving the countries. It's important that we act with competency when changing these posts. (once again, ?)
- (this paragraph is really hard to translate, so I'm going to write it literally) Also, there will be retractions of permission of Brazil and Argentina of the private areas of the forum. There will be, without embargo, a representative from each country. This representative eligible for presidency, must submit himself with me, or with tip.
- The ALA will continue with its projects and ATO missions.

These decisions, except for point 4, were taken to the assistant representatives of this meeting. Many presidents are not, though they were advised in the forum and I personally called the attention to many things. At least we had a representative from each country.

If anyone disagrees with the point of this treaty, please send me a PM (?), blah, blah, unimportant.

*I want to thank Xicohtencatl el Joven, for helping me to write this, blah, blah, blah, unimportant.


This could be interesting. If there are detractors in Latin America we could persuade them away from Phoenix, and maybe get an advantage in South Africa.