TRInterviu cu bulgarii momentului. Sondaj: Alege avatarul UMC!

Day 1,150, 06:28 Published in Romania Romania by jezabest
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Proiectul menit sa antreneze civilii in razboiul cu Rusia este pe cale sa fie demarat. "Unitatea Militara a Civililor" are nevoie de un avatar. Alegeti din urmatoarele 3 avatare care este cel potrivit, mentionand in comment cifra 1, 2 sau 3.

1. Propus de CorneliuS16:

2. Propus de Roman Daco:

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Si acum, TRInterviul promis. Multumim lui Hungerweed pentru munca depusa.


Svetoslav Terter, presedinte al BULGARIAN NATIONAL FRONT, partidul numarul 2 in Bulgaria ca numar de membri.

Dido79, presedinte al Bulgarian Democratic Party, partidul numarul 5 in Bulgaria ca numar de membri.

NKFV, presedinte al Independent Bulgarians, partidul numarul 4 in Bulgaria ca numar de membri.

1. Hungerwee😛 Bulgaria si FYROM sunt de mult timp in conflict diplomatic. Ambele tari au propus o multime de legi de Natural Enemy. De ce razboiul a inceput abia acum 3 zile? Cum pronosticati ca se va termina? Care sunt aliatii vostri cei mai de nadejde si ce i-a determinat sa va ajute?

Svetoslav Terter: Din punctul nostru de vedere, Bulgaria nu a fost pana acum pregatita economic de razboi. Grecia si Romania ne-au oferit cel mai mare ajutor, dar si USA a adus o contributie semnificativa.

dido79: Nu ne place acest razboi cu FYROM. Ei sunt loiali Turciei. Circa 40% din populatia noastra isi doreste sa nu mai vada FYROM pe harta si asta se va si intampla. Cred ca macedonenii ar fi partasi oricarui proiect impotriva Romaniei si aliatilor ei. Macedonia ne-ar fi putut fi aliata daca ar fi lasat la o parte rivalitatile RL si influenta sarba.

NKFV: Actuala guvernare este in functie a doua oara consecutiv si si-a propus din nou ca obiectiv stergerea FYROM de pe harta. Opozitia nu a fost de acord si de fiecare data doar 1 sau 2 voturi au impiedicat legea sa fie aprobata. Razboiul a pornit pentru ca cei din FYROM ar face orice sa fie pe plac Serbiei si Turciei si li s-a spus sa apese butonul. Bulgarii sunt placut impresionati de suportul EDEN. Fiecare tara ne-a ajutat cate putin si nu vom uita. Dar totodata stim ca EDEN nu ne-ar ajuta fara un interes: este mai echilibrata o lupta 3 vs 3 decat 2 vs 4 in Balcani 🙂 Majoritatea bulgarilor au ca inamici FYROM, Turcia si Serbia, deci pactul este bun pentru ambele parti.

2. Hungerwee😛 Bulgaria si Turcia erau odata membre Phoenix. Ce v-a determinat sa aveti un razboi atat de aprig?

Svetoslav Terter: Multi bulgari cred ca Turcia le-a sabotat tara pe vremea cand erau parte din Phoenix. Majoritatea cetatenilor dezvoltasera o antipatie pentru turci inca de pe atunci.

dido79: Alegerea lui lazokrat drept presedinte, el avand ca obiectiv cucerirea unor regiuni bulgare. Faptul ca el a castigat alegerile a reprezentat un semnal de alarma in legatura cu pericolul pe care ei il reprezinta.

NKFV: Am avut probleme in Phoenix cu 2-3 luni inainte sa parasim alianta oficial. Inceputul a fost in BIH, cand tara noastra nu si-a putut apara coloniile in lipsa sprijinului aliantei. Unii dintre ei se luptau in India, altii au trimis cativa soldati. Apoi, cu maxima aroganta, se laudau ca "ne-au ajutat si trebuie sa le fim recunoscatori". Ei ar fi trebuit sa isi ajute fratele mai mic. Sarbii si turcii nu ne-au dus dorul. Noi am ajutat foarte mult Phoenix, dar acum ei ne considera tragatori. Ha! Duceti-va dracului. Era o chestiune de timp pana urma sa ne luptam cu Turcia. Dupa BIH a urmat scena cu veto-ul nostru in legatura cu FYROM. Veto, dar cu macedoneni pe canalul oficial Phoenix si cu 15 MPP-uri. O zis ca nu vom accepta situatia si vom incerca sa ne croim drumul propriu. Am semnat un tratat de pace cu Serbia, insa Lazocrat si ai sai au decis sa ne "pedepseasca" si sa porneasca RW in coloniile din Iran. Le multumim. Bulgaria in EDEN!

3. Hungerwee😛 De ce a iesit Bulgaria din Phoenix? Ce v-a deranjat cel mai mult in acea perioada? Cu ce tari ati dori sa fiti aliati? Daca ati putea alege, ce tari ati invita la formarea unei noi aliante? Exista vreo alianta din trecut, prezent sau in curs de planificare favorabila Bulgariei?

Svetoslav Terter: Am iesit din Phoenix pentru ca nu toate tarile erau tratate in mod egal si nimanui nu ii pasa de interesele noastre. Eram folositi pentru a apara interesele Serbiei, Turciei si Ungariei, dar nimeni nu lupta in bataliile noastre! Ar fi ideala o alianta cu Grecia, Romania, Rusia, Croatia, Indonezia, Franta, Iran, Chile si, poate, Ungaria.

dido79:Am iesit din cauza incalcarii regulilor de baza ale aliantei. Nu am fost de acord cu intrarea Macedoniei in Phoenix, deoarece ne-am gandit ca ei nu demonstrasera nimic ca sa merite. Veto-ul nostru nu a fost acceptat de Serbia si celelalte tari si s-a organizat un vot masluit pentru excluderea noastra. Am vazut cine ne este prieten si cine nu. Acesta a fost un semn ca apartenenta la Phoenix trebuie sa ia sfarsit.

NKFV: Precum am mentionat, majoritatea bulgarilor vor sa lupte cu Serbia, FYROM si Turcia, deci vedem cele mai bune aliate in Croatia, Grecia si Romania. De asemenea, vrem sa continuam prietenia cu Rusia si Iran, singurele tari din Phoenix care ne-au tratat cu respect nu numai la nivel declarativ. Ne-ar fi foarte greu in caz de razboi intre Rusia si EDEN. Decizia va fi foarte grea.

4. Hungerwee😛 Ce relatii aveti cu Rusia? Care este pozitia voastra in razboiul dintre Rusia si Ucraina? Acceptati razboiul dintre Rusia si Romania? Veti dusmani una dintre tari din cauza razboiului?

Svetoslav Terter: Rusia este singura tara care ne-a ajutat de fiecare data in lupte! Deci relatia noastra cu ei nu e o simpla alianta, ci o prietenie. Nu imi surade ideea unui razboi intre un aliat si un prieten, dar este o decizie simpla: sa nu luptam de nici una din parti.

dido79: Vom fi intotdeauna legati de Rusia din multe motive si eu personal nu voi lupta niciodata impotriva lor. Scuze, dar cu toate ca suntem aliati cu Romania, unii bulgari vor lupta pentru Romania. A ne forta sa luptam de partea Romaniei nu ar face decat sa deterioreze relatiile dintre tarile noastre.

NKFV: Despre Ucraina nu prea e de comentat, caci situatia lor este foarte rea. In fiecare luna sunt prinsi la mijloc intre EDEN si Phoenix si e greu de gestionat ce se intampla acolo.

5. Hungerwee😛 Transmite un mesaj cetatenilor romani din partea ta si a Bulgariei.

Svetoslav Terter: As vrea sa spun in numele intregii tari ca suntem recunoscatori pentru ajutorul oferit. V-ati dovedit a fi aliati mai buni decat Serbia si Turcia. Personal, va spun ca intotdeauna mi-am dorit o alianta cu voi, si nu cu Serbia si Turcia, si sunt fericit ca a aparut aceasta oportunitate 🙂

dido79: Tinem minte atat conflictele din trecut, cat si ajutorul din prezent. Sper ca raul va fi uitat.

NKFV: Ce mai e de zis? Sunt aici pentru a doua luna consecutiv ca ambasador si am intalnit oameni fantastici. Ms. Carmen si Bogdan Armand Sibrand m-au ajutat enorm. Am cunoscut si noul guvern si primele impresii sunt bune. Va multumim 🙂 Romanului de rand ii dau un sfat: pregateste-ti armele, umple-ti inventarul cu paine de calitate si distreaza-te pe campul de lupta!

1. There was long-time hostility between eBulgaria and eFYRoM. Both of countries proposed a lot of NE-laws. Why this war started only 3 days ago? How it will ends at your opinion? Who is your most helping allies? How people of that ecountries think about eFYRoM now? What is they reason to help your ecountry?

2. Your ecountry was member of Phoenix. eTurkey were your ally. What made your ecountry bear arms against them?

3. Why did your ecountry pull out of Phoenix? What was most annoying in Phoenix? Which ecountries would you prefer to be an ally? If there was no any military blocs in the eworld, which ecountries would you call to create new one? Is there any military bloc no matter former, present or only planning that is favorably to eBulgaria?

4. What is your relation to eRussia? What is your position about war between eUkraine and eRussia? Do you accept war between eRussia and eRomania? Will you come to hate on one of this ecountries for this war?

5. What would you like to say for eromanian people in the name of your country and yours?

Svetoslav Terter, PP of 'BULGARIAN NATIONAL FRONT' (party #2: 241 members, 20% of Congress)

1. First of all the war started only 3 days ago, because bulgaria was not ready in economic means to go to war. Our most helping allies are Greece and Romania, but also USA.

2. Many people in eBulgaria believe that eTurkey was always working against us and was foregoing our interests in PHOENIX. Many bulgarian players didnt like them in the beginning of our membership in PHOENIX.

3. We pulled out of PHOENIX, because noone valued us as an equal player and noone seriously considered our interests. We were used to defend the interests of e Turkey, and eSerbia or eHungary, but noone ever fought in our battles! I personally would love to be in an alliance with Greece, Romania, Russia, Croatia, Indonesia, France, Iran, Chilie, and possibly Hungary.

4. Russia is the only country which everytime helped eBulgaria in every battle and war! So our relation to eRussia is more than just an alliance. It is a friendship. I dont accept war between an ally and a friend, but there is a simple decision in such situation - to not fight for any of the sides in this conflict. We will not come to hate anyone of this countries, but we will hope avoidance of the conflict.

5. I would like to say to the eromanian people in the name of my country that I am very thankfull for their help in our wars. I also have to say that eromanian people proved to be better ally than eSerbia and eTurkey.

Personally I can tell the eromanian people that I always wanted to be allied with them rather with the turks and the serbs and I am thankfull to the bright chance that has given me this opportunity 🙂

dido79, PP of 'Bulgarian Democratic Party' (party #5: 130 members, 10% of Congress)

1. We do not like this war with Macedonia. They try to appear as a loyal ally of Turkey. We want an end the ability of the organization of lazokrts be effective in this game. We want to be misunderstood that lazokratits major problem in both countries, Turkey and Macedonia. About 40% of the Bulgarian players would like to close the war with Macedonia delete them from the map and this will hapend. I personally think that the Macedonians were in a situation to want to appear as a loyal ally in whatever we've been against Romania and we have brought the consequences. And I think that Macedonia can be our ally if we shake off nationalism and Serbian influence.

2. Selecting lazokrat as their President, who was appointed as a goal the conquest of two of our region. The majority, which had won was clear sign to us that Turkey is a major threat to our security is important faster this threat be removed.

3. We withdrew because of disregard for basic rules of the union activity. Namely, we were not willing to enter Macedonia in the union as we thought then that they have done nothing deserving such an honor. Our veto was not accepted by Serbia and other countries, even false vote was held for our expulsion, which showed who are our friends and who no. This was already a clear sign to us that our stay in the union must be completed.

4. We will always be linked with Russia for many reasons and would never raise a weapon against them. Sorry but even we are allies with Romania, few Bulgarians will go to fight with Russia. If you wont to disabled the good relations now try to make us forced to fight with Russia.

5. We remember some of your bad deeds in the distant past, and remember your good deeds recently. I hope that bad will be forgotten.

NKFV, PP of 'Independent Bulgarians' (party #4: 116 (month ago was 140) members, 15% of Congress). Read his interview with our CP, VP and MoFA!

1. The current government was chosen for second month in a row and again sets as a national goal erasing FYROM from the map. The opposition didn't want this war and every time 1 or 2 more votes were needed for the law to be accepted, but as we all saw this didn’t happend. The war actually starts, cause the fyromanians are very well known serb-turkish slaves and they were told to push the button. 1 on 1 they have no chance against us and we can feel their fear. The majority of the Bulgarians are very surprised for the awesome support that we got from EDEN. Every country did much for us and we won’t forget it. But I have to say that we understand the big interests for EDEN to fight for us. It's simple – it’s better for EDEN to fight 3vs3 on the Balkans, instead of 2vs4, isn't it? Most Bulgarians prefer to fight against Serbia, FYROM and Turkey, so the both parts can earn benefits from this new partnership.

2. We had troubles with Phoenix 2-3 months before our official leaving. The start was given in FBH, when our country could not defend its colony without the help of the big guys. But some of them were around 600 in India (??!), others sent an "amazing army". It's very arrogance to say "We liberate you! We give you way!" What is the big guy supposed to do?! It is to help the weaker friend, isn't it? So, they just do absolutely normal things. Serbians and turks very fast forget our development. Our contribution for Phoenix was very, very big, but now they call us traitor. Ha! Go to Hell... Bulgaria must have a war with Turkey and it was a matter of time for it. Simple…

After FBH came the parody with our veto on FYROM. Veto, but with fyromanian member in the official Phoenix channel and over that 15 MPPS. Nice Veto – totally bullshits... We say that we won't accept that situation and we will try to find our own way. So, we saw a chance for signing peace treaty with Greece. After that, the Lazocrat cheaters decided to "punish us" for this sin and started RWs in our Iranian colonies. Thank you, Lazocrats. Bulgarian in Eden!

3. As I say, majority of the Bulgarians want to fight against Serbia, FYROM and Turkey, so we see as best allies Croatia, Greece and Romania. Also we want to continue our good relations with Russia and Iran, cause these are the only countries from Phoenix, who really show that respect us not only in words, but in actions. It will be very hard if there are direct battles with some of those countries. The decision will be very though.

4. For Ukraine I don’t want to comment, cause their situation is awful. Every month they are separated between Eden and Phoenix and I really can’t imagine what’s going there.

5. What to say… I am here for second month as ambassador and I met very nice people. Ms. Carmen and Bogdan Armand Sibrand helped me a lot. Now, I’ve already met the new government and my first impressions are good. Thank you, mates 🙂. To the ordinary romanian I will give an advice - prepare your weapons, full your inventory with quality food and have fun on the battlefield.