Tricks of the Trade 1

Day 961, 17:43 Published in Japan Japan by Geno Garon

Just a few quick hints and tips as we all get to learn eRepublik Rising's ins and outs. I'll build this list as I see fit.

1: Time's a'wastin'!
Now that we have our new 24 hour day-cycles in game, it is important that you maximize your daily life. Just like in eRepublik V1, the order in which you do things during the day can have a significant effect on your progress and usefulness that day. For instance, if you are below 90 Happiness, "Entertaining" first at the Residential district gives you a happiness bonus with no health penalty, making it a MUST FIRST on your daily activities. After this, prioritize your day. What is most important to you? Working? Training? Studying? You should pick which of these activities you want to have the highest bonus, and do that first.

Also, remember, once you have done an activity (such as working), you CANNOT go back during that day and do more of that activity. It is possible (if you're are totally moronic), to lose more than half a DAY of unusable time because you have already invested just a few hours each in each of the four daily activities. There will be no multiple naps at this time, so when you use an activity, use ALL the hours you intend to devote to it ALL AT ONCE.

Also ALSO, it is important to note that skills trained past level 10 have a SIGNIFICANT delay in the amount of time put into them versus the amount of bonus you get out of them. Take note; if you do not intend to be a fantastic specialist in ONLY ONE FIELD, be it industrial or martial, you may find training or studying a different skillset from the one you currently have will be a better investment of your time.

2: Now Where'd I Put That Thingy?
Erepublik Rising operates on a discrete inventory system that allows you to essentially "organize your pockets". We have always been able to do this before, but now it seems this has some purpose other than cosmetic. During daychange, your citizen will consume, not the highest quality food, but the FIRST food in your inventory, going from left to right, top to bottom. This allows citizens to have multiple types of food at once, and determine what food they will have each day dependent on their need.

3: Gold in Themthar Hills...
Erepublik Rising is all about the Gold Standard. Every activity now, for better or worse, can be augmented by the infusion of the earth's seventy-ninth element. While it seems like this is will kill of those who do not pay for gold (and it still may yet), there are some ways that you can decrease your need for these augments, AND be smart in their use. For instance, in the Residential District, you can rest for up to 12 hours, giving you a bonus of 13 wellness with the additional +1 wellness given for free. If, instead, you wish to pay for a booster, you will notice you can skip several hours of "resting", or in some cases, skip entire days of resting based on one booster. Using the booster that's right for you is essential here, as you can easily lose "bonus wellness" if you over-zealously purchase. However, with a little gold, you can work more at your place of work which nets you more cash to help pay for your gold purchase, or you can study longer during that day to boost your paycheck. Strategic use of these boosters CAN pay off, but you must calculate the risks and rewards for yourself.

That's it for now, though I expect I'll see more things that I'd like to bring to your attention. Until next time, faithful readers.

~ Geno Garon

P.S. Thank you Clerica.